Halloween Event 2013 – Merchant

Appearance Name Description Costs
Small Pumpkin Cemetery (40 pumpkins) (max 3) Production of 1 pumpkins for 8 hours. 50
Common Pumpkin Cemetery (80 pumpkins) (max 3) Production of 1 pumpkins for 4 hours. 150
Noble Pumpkin Cemetery (100 pumpkins) (max 3) Production of 1 pumpkins for 1 hour. 10
Village School (max 3) It accelerates appearance of new settlers – one settler of the 2h
You can not upgrade or buff.
Improved Storehouse (max 3) Improved store adds 300 space to our warehouse. 600
Pumpkins Adds 40 pumpkins to your warehouse 60
A Basket of Pumpkins Adds 125 pumpkins to your warehouse 360
Grim Reaper General (max 1) Recovers twice as quicly from defeat.
Travels twice as quickly to adventures.
Silo (max 3) Build a silo that will sow your field. 600
Tomb Build a Tomb 420
Zombie Accelerate the production of building
about 4x faster about 12 hours
Mr Myers Accelerate recruiting in the barracks about 4x faster about 1 hour 24
Overgrown Ruins Build a ruins 264
Frank and Stein Use on marble deposits and add 1000 marble. 90
Collapsed Wall (north) Build a Collapsed Wall (north) 96
Collapsed Wall (west) Build a Collapsed Wall (west) 96