Attack Of Colonies

As an invader you are three types of troops (infantry, cavalry and archer) used to fight, as well as the same three types of heavy units, used to block camps on the way to the leader. The most important when fighting is choosing the right type of troops to the opposite group.

  • Units in combat changes before death now fighting of your or the opposite group. Do this by looking at the type of the next enemy units. It should prepare a plan before sending generals, so it will not confuse anything.
  • One group of military basic invader has a maximum of 20 units, while heavy and elite 10. The opponent groups are always the same limit as your units, regardless of their type.
  • Hostile camp always issue a unit from left to right, and at the end bosses.
  • Heavy units are half cheaper to produce than the basic. They have a lot less damage, but much more can withstand. With it you can take camps before the leader, which can not be any other way to get around the transition time of the attack made by the capture zone.
  • Remember that you have a limited amount of medical packages. Blocks saving greater amounts of military require injuries of General!

Attacking Camps:

The table below shows how much we need to send units on a certain number and type of bandits to suffer the smallest losses. Mercenary camps are created by the player, so you can not specify a predetermined attack because they do not know how many, and what the units are in the camp. Number of our units in the group may be less, it all depends on that we needed rounds. For this purpose, the best of the simulator.

Remember to change the appropriately units during the fight!

Bandit RecruitThugRoughneckBandit BowmanBandit LongbowmanBandit CavalryWar DogBosses

Bandits Minimum Amount and Type of Units
120 Bandit Recruit 50 Attack Archer [losses: 36 ]
100 Bandit Recruit 44 Attack Archer [losses: 30 ]
80 Bandit Recruit 38 Attack Archer [losses: 24 ]
60 Bandit Recruit 32 Attack Archer [losses: 18 ]
40 Bandit Recruit 26 Attack Archer [losses: 12 ]
27 Bandit Recruit 20 Attack Archer [losses: 7 ]
20 Bandit Recruit 20 Attack Archer [losses: 6 ]

Bandits Minimum Amount and Type of Units
120 Thug 65 Attack Archer [losses: 54 ]
100 Thug 56 Attack Archer [losses: 45 ]
80 Thug 47 Attack Archer [losses: 36 ]
60 Thug 38 Attack Archer [losses: 27 ]
40 Thug 29 Attack Archer [losses: 18 ]
27 Thug 23 Attack Archer [losses: 10 ]
20 Thug 20 Attack Archer [losses: 9 ]

Bandits Minimum Amount and Type of Units
120 Rougneck 75 Attack Archer [losses: 66 ]
100 Rougneck 64 Attack Archer [losses: 55 ]
80 Rougneck 53 Attack Archer [losses: 44 ]
60 Rougneck 42 Attack Archer [losses: 33 ]
40 Rougneck 31 Attack Archer [losses: 22 ]
27 Rougneck 25 Attack Archer [losses: 12 ]
20 Rougneck 20 Attack Archer [losses: 11 ]

Bandits Minimum Amount and Type of Units
120 Bandit Bowman 65 Attack Cavalry [losses: 54 ]
100 Bandit Bowman 56 Attack Cavalry [losses: 45 ]
80 Bandit Bowman 47 Attack Cavalry [losses: 36 ]
60 Bandit Bowman 38 Attack Cavalry [losses: 27 ]
40 Bandit Bowman 29 Attack Cavalry [losses: 18 ]
27 Bandit Bowman 22 Attack Cavalry [losses: 10 ]
20 Bandit Bowman 20 Attack Cavalry [losses: 9 ]

Bandits Minimum Amount and Type of Units
120 Bandit Longbowman 80 Attack Cavalry [losses: 72 ]
100 Bandit Longbowman 68 Attack Cavalry [losses: 60 ]
80 Bandit Longbowman 56 Attack Cavalry [losses: 48 ]
60 Bandit Longbowman 44 Attack Cavalry [losses: 36 ]
40 Bandit Longbowman 32 Attack Cavalry [losses: 24 ]
27 Bandit Longbowman 23 Attack Cavalry [losses: 14 ]
20 Bandit Longbowman 20 Attack Cavalry [losses: 12 ]

Bandits Minimum Amount and Type of Units
120 Bandit Cavalry 65 Attack Infantry [losses: 54 ]
100 Bandit Cavalry 56 Attack Infantry [losses: 45 ]
80 Bandit Cavalry 47 Attack Infantry [losses: 36 ]
60 Bandit Cavalry 38 Attack Infantry [losses: 27 ]
40 Bandit Cavalry 29 Attack Infantry [losses: 18 ]
27 Bandit Cavalry 23 Attack Infantry [losses: 10 ]
20 Bandit Cavalry 20 Attack Infantry [losses: 9 ]

Bandits Minimum Amount and Type of Units
120 War Dog 54 Guardsman [losses: 48 ]
100 War Dog 46 Guardsman [losses: 40 ]
80 War Dog 38 Guardsman [losses: 32 ]
60 War Dog 30 Guardsman [losses: 24 ]
40 War Dog 22 Guardsman [losses: 16 ]
20 War Dog 14 Guardsman [losses: 8 ]

Bandits Minimum Amount and Type of Units
Metal Tooth 20 Attack Infantry [losses: 11 ]
Skunk 20 Attack Archer [losses: 11 ]
One-Eyed Bert 20 Attack Cavalry [losses: 11 ]
Wild Mary 14 Attack Archer [losses: 6 ]
Chuck 18 Attack Infantry [losses: 3 ]
Greybeard 38 Attack Archer [losses: 24 ]
Scarr 34 Attack Infantry [losses: 22 ]
Shadow 32 Attack Cavalry [losses: 27 ]
Drak The Devourer 54 Attack Cavalry [losses: 44 ] or
54 Attack Infantry [losses: 44 ] or
54 Attack Archer [losses: 44 ]

Mercenary DuelistMercenary InfantryMercenary SharpshooterMercenary ArcherMercenary ChargerMercenary Calvary

Bandits Minimum Amount and Type of Units
120 Mercenary Duelist 60 Attack Archer [losses: 48 ]
100 Mercenary Duelist 52 Attack Archer [losses: 40 ]
80 Mercenary Duelist 44 Attack Archer [losses: 32 ]
60 Mercenary Duelist 36 Attack Archer [losses: 24 ]
40 Mercenary Duelist 28 Attack Archer [losses: 16 ]
20 Mercenary Duelist 20 Attack Archer [losses: 8 ]

Bandits Minimum Amount and Type of Units
120 Mercenary Infantry 90 Attack Archer [losses: 84 ]
100 Mercenary Infantry 76 Attack Archer [losses: 70 ]
80 Mercenary Infantry 62 Attack Archer [losses: 56 ]
60 Mercenary Infantry 48 Attack Archer [losses: 42 ]
40 Mercenary Infantry 34 Attack Archer [losses: 28 ]
20 Mercenary Infantry 20 Attack Archer [losses: 14 ]

Bandits Minimum Amount and Type of Units
120 Mercenary Sharpshooter 60 Attack Cavalry [losses: 48 ]
100 Mercenary Sharpshooter 52 Attack Cavalry [losses: 40 ]
80 Mercenary Sharpshooter 44 Attack Cavalry [losses: 32 ]
60 Mercenary Sharpshooter 36 Attack Cavalry [losses: 24 ]
40 Mercenary Sharpshooter 28 Attack Cavalry [losses: 16 ]
20 Mercenary Sharpshooter 20 Attack Cavalry [losses: 8 ]

Bandits Minimum Amount and Type of Units
120 Mercenary Archer 90 Attack Cavalry [losses: 84 ]
100 Mercenary Archer 76 Attack Cavalry [losses: 70 ]
80 Mercenary Archer 62 Attack Cavalry [losses: 56 ]
60 Mercenary Archer 48 Attack Cavalry [losses: 42 ]
40 Mercenary Archer 34 Attack Cavalry [losses: 28 ]
20 Mercenary Archer 20 Attack Cavalry [losses: 14 ]

Bandits Minimum Amount and Type of Units
120 Mercenary Charger 60 Attack Infantry [losses: 48 ]
100 Mercenary Charger 52 Attack Infantry [losses: 40 ]
80 Mercenary Charger 44 Attack Infantry [losses: 32 ]
60 Mercenary Charger 36 Attack Infantry [losses: 24 ]
40 Mercenary Charger 28 Attack Infantry [losses: 16 ]
20 Mercenary Charger 20 Attack Infantry [losses: 8 ]

Bandits Minimum Amount and Type of Units
120 Mercenary Calvary 90 Attack Infantry [losses: 84 ]
100 Mercenary Calvary 76 Attack Infantry [losses: 70 ]
80 Mercenary Calvary 62 Attack Infantry [losses: 56 ]
60 Mercenary Calvary 48 Attack Infantry [losses: 42 ]
40 Mercenary Calvary 34 Attack Infantry [losses: 28 ]
20 Mercenary Calvary 20 Attack Infantry [losses: 14 ]

Attacking the camp with leader:

Below shows the optimum compositions for various camps with the leaders. If you have not found any composition or see an mistake, please let us know by using the contact form in the contact section.

Metal ToothOne-Eyed BertSkunkScarrShadowWild MaryChuckGreybeardDrak The Devourer

Camp Leader Type of Required Units Number of Required Units Losses
=> Metal Tooth
27 Bandit Cavalry
27 Thug
27 Bandit Bowman
20 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Archer
29 Attack Cavalry
30 + 29 + 29 21
=> Metal Tooth
40 Bandit Bowman
40 Thug
20 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Cavalry
29 Attack Archer
20 + 29 + 29 11
=> Metal Tooth
40 Bandit Cavalry
40 Thug
20 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Archer
38 + 29 29
=> Metal Tooth
40 Bandit Cavalry
40 Bandit Bowman
20 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Cavalry
38 + 29 29
=> Metal Tooth
60 Bandit Bowman
60 Thug
20 Attack Infantry
38 Attack Cavalry
38 Attack Archer
20 + 38 + 38 11
=> Metal Tooth
60 Bandit Cavalry
60 Thug
20 Attack Infantry
38 Attack Infantry
38 Attack Archer
47 + 38 38
=> Metal Tooth
60 Bandit Cavalry
60 Bandit Bowman
20 Attack Infantry
38 Attack Infantry
38 Attack Cavalry
47 + 38 38
=> Metal Tooth
40 Bandit Bowman
40 Rougneck
40 Thug
20 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Cavalry
31 Attack Archer
29 Attack Archer
20 + 29 + 51 11
=> Metal Tooth
40 Bandit Cavalry
40 Bandit Longbowman
40 Thug
20 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Infantry
32 Attack Cavalry
29 Attack Archer
39 + 32 + 29 29
=> Metal Tooth
40 Bandit Cavalry
40 Thug
40 Roughneck
20 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Archer
31 Attack Archer
38 + 49 29
=> Metal Tooth
40 Bandit Cavalry
40 Bandit Bowman
40 Thug
20 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Cavalry
29 Attack Archer
38 + 29 + 29 29
=> Metal Tooth
40 Bandit Bowman
40 Bandit Longbowman
40 Roughneck
20 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Cavalry
32 Attack Cavalry
31 Attack Archer
1 wave (100) 20 + 49 + 31
1 wave (120) 20 + 53 + 31
100 / 120
47 / 42
=> Metal Tooth
40 Bandit Bowman
40 Bandit Longbowman
40 Thug
20 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Cavalry
32 Attack Cavalry
29 Attack Archer
1 wave (100) 20 + 51 + 29
1 wave (120) 20 + 53 + 29
100 / 120
43 / 42
=> Metal Tooth
40 Bandit Longbowman
40 Thug
40 Roughneck
20 Attack Infantry
32 Attack Cavalry
29 Attack Archer
31 Attack Archer
1 wave (100) 20 + 32 + 48
1 wave (120) 20 + 32 + 51
100 / 120
43 / 40
=> Metal Tooth
40 Bandit Cavalry
40 Bandit Bowman
40 Roughneck
20 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Cavalry
31 Attack Archer
38 + 29 + 31 29
=> Metal Tooth
40 Bandit Cavalry
40 Roughneck
40 Bandit Longbowman
20 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Infantry
31 Attack Archer
32 Attack Cavalry
1 wave (100) 38 + 31 + 31
1 wave (120) 38 + 32 + 31
100 / 120
25 / 24
=> Metal Tooth
40 Bandit Cavalry
40 Bandit Bowman
40 Bandit Longbowman
20 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Cavalry
32 Attack Cavalry
38 + 53 29
=> Metal Tooth
30 Bandit Cavalry
30 Bandit Longbowan
30 Bandit Bowman
30 Thug
20 Atttack Infantry
27 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Cavalry
26 Attack Cavalry
27 Attack Archer
1 wave (100) 38 + 41 + 21
1 wave (120) 38 + 41 + 27
100 / 120
12 / 11
=> Metal Tooth
30 Bandit Bowman
30 Bandit Longbowman
30 Thug
30 Rougneck
20 Attack Infantry
26 Attack Cavalry
29 Attack Cavalry
27 Attack Archer
31 Attack Archer
1 wave (100) 20 + 40 + 40
1 wave (120) 20 + 42 + 40
25 / 24
=> Metal Tooth
30 Bandit Cavalry
30 Bandit Longbowman
30 Bandit Bowman
30 Rougneck
20 Attack Infantry
27 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Cavalry
26 Attack Cavalry
31 Attack Archer
1 wave (100) 30 + 40 + 30
1 wave (120) 31 + 41 + 31
100 / 120
14 / 13

Camp Leader Type of Required Units Number of Required Units Losses
=> One-Eyed Bert
27 Bandit Cavalry
27 Bandit Bowman
27 Thug
20 Attack Cavalry
23 Attack Infantry
23 Attack Cavalry
22 Attack Archer
23 + 30 + 23 10
=> One-Eyed Bert
40 Bandit Cavalry
40 Bandit Bowman
20 Attack Cavalry
29 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Cavalry
29 + 38 18
=> One-Eyed Bert
40 Bandit Cavalry
40 Thug
20 Attack Cavalry
29 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Archer
29 + 20 + 29 18
=> One-Eyed Bert
40 Bandit Bowman
40 Thug
20 Attack Cavalry
29 Attack Cavalry
29 Attack Archer
38 + 29 29
=> One-Eyed Bert
60 Bandit Cavalry
60 Bandit Bowman
20 Attack Cavalry
38 Attack Infantry
38 Attack Cavalry
38 + 47 27
=> One-Eyed Bert
60 Bandit Cavalry
60 Thug
20 Attack Cavalry
38 Attack Infantry
38 Attack Archer
38 + 20 + 38 27
=> One-Eyed Bert
60 Bandit Bowman
60 Thug
20 Attack Cavalry
38 Attack Cavalry
38 Attack Archer
47 + 38 38
=> One-Eyed Bert
40 Bandit Bowman
40 Roughneck
40 Bandit Longbowman
20 Attack Cavalry
29 Attack Cavalry
31 Attack Archer
32 Attack Cavalry
62 + 31 53
=> One-Eyed Bert
40 Bandit Cavalry
40 Roughneck
40 Bandit Bowman
20 Attack Cavalry
29 Attack Infantry
31 Attack Archer
29 Attack Cavalry
29 + 38 + 31 18
=> One-Eyed Bert
40 Bandit Cavalry
40 Thug
40 Bandit Bowman
20 Attack Cavalry
29 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Archer
29 Attack Cavalry
29 + 38 + 29 18
=> One-Eyed Bert
40 Bandit Bowman
40 Roughneck
40 Thug
20 Attack Cavalry
29 Attack Cavalry
31 Attack Archer
29 Attack Archer
38 + 51 29
=> One-Eyed Bert
40 Bandit Longbowman
40 Roughneck
40 Thug
20 Attack Cavalry
32 Attack Cavalry
31 Attack Archer
29 Attack Archer
44 + 51 35
=> One-Eyed Bert
40 Bandit Bowman
40 Thug
40 Bandit Longbowman
20 Attack Cavalry
29 Attack Cavalry
29 Attack Archer
32 Attack Cavalry
29 + 62 53
=> One-Eyed Bert
40 Bandit Cavalry
40 Bandit Bowman
40 Bandit Longbowman
20 Attack Cavalry
29 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Cavalry
32 Attack Cavalry
29 + 62 18
=> One-Eyed Bert
40 Bandit Cavalry
40 Thug
40 Roughneck
20 Attack Cavalry
29 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Archer
31 Attack Archer
29 + 51 + 20 29
=> One-Eyed Bert
40 Bandit Cavalry
40 Thug
40 Bandit Longbowman
20 Attack Cavalry
29 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Archer
32 Attack Cavalry
100 / 120
1 wave (100) 28 + 28 + 44
1 wave (120) 29 + 29 + 44
=> One-Eyed Bert
40 Bandit Cavalry
40 Rougneck
40 Bandit Longbowman
20 Attack Cavalry
29 Attack Infantry
31 Attack Archer
32 Attack Cavalry
1 wave (100) 27 + 29 + 44
1 wave (120) 29 + 31 + 44
100 / 120
20 / 18
25 / 22
=> One-Eyed Bert
30 Bandit Bowman
30 Thug
30 Roughneck
30 Bandit Longbowman
20 Attack Cavalry
29 Attack Cavalry
29 Attack Archer
31 Attack Archer
32 Attack Cavalry
42 + 46 24
=> One-eyed Bert
30 Bandit Cavalry
30 Bandit Longbowman
30 Bandit Bowman
30 Thug
20 Attack Cavalry
27 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Cavalry
26 Attack Cavalry
27 Attack Archer
27 + 46 + 27 11

Camp Leader Type of Required Units Number of Required Units Losses
=> Skunk
40 Bandit Cavalry
40 Thug
20 Attack Archer
29 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Archer
29 + 38 18
=> Skunk
40 Bandit Bowman
40 Thug
20 Attack Archer
29 Attack Cavalry
29 Attack Archer
29 + 38 18
=> Skunk
40 Bandit Cavalry
40 Bandit Bowman
20 Attack Archer
29 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Cavalry
29 + 29 + 20 18
=> Skunk
60 Bandit Bowman
60 Thug
20 Attack Archer
38 Attack Cavalry
38 Attack Archer
38 + 47 27
=> Skunk
60 Bandit Cavalry
60 Thug
20 Attack Archer
38 Attack Infantry
38 Attack Archer
38 + 47 27
=> Skunk
60 Bandit Cavalry
60 Bandit Bowman
20 Attack Archer
38 Attack Infantry
38 Attack Cavalry
38 + 38 + 20 27
=> Skunk
40 Bandit Cavalry
40 Roughneck
40 Bandit Bowman
20 Attack Archer
29 Attack Infantry
31 Attack Archer
29 Attack Cavalry
29 + 29 + 42 18
=> Skunk
40 Bandit Cavalry
40 Bandit Bowman
40 Thug
20 Attack Archer
29 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Cavalry
29 Attack Archer
29 + 29 + 38 18
=> Skunk
40 Bandit Cavalry
40 Bandit Longbowman
40 Thug
20 Attack Archer
29 Attack Infantry
32 Attack Cavalry
29 Attack Archer
29 + 32 + 38 18
=> Skunk
40 Bandit Cavalry
40 Bandit Longbowman
40 Bandit Bowman
20 Attack Archer
29 Attack Infantry
32 Attack Cavalry
29 Attack Cavalry
1 wave (100) 29 + 51 + 20
1 wave (120) 29 + 53 + 20
100 / 120
45 / 42
=> Skunk
40 Bandit Cavalry
40 Bandit Longbowman
40 Roughneck
20 Attack Aecher
26 Attack Infantry
32 Attack Cavalry
31 Attack Archer
1 wave (100) 26 + 32 + 42
1 wave (120) 29 + 32 + 42
100 / 120
21 / 18
=> Skunk
30 Bandit Cavalry
30 Bandit Bowman
30 Bandit Longbowman
30 Roughneck
20 Attack Archer
21 Attack Infantry
22 Attack Cavalry
29 Attack Cavalry
31 Attack Archer
21 + 41 + 33 12
=> Skunk
40 Bandit Longbowman
40 Thug
40 Roughneck
20 Attack Archer
32 Attack Cavalry
29 Attack Archer
31 Attack Archer
32 + 60 24
=> Skunk
40 Bandit Bowman
40 Bandit Longbowman
40 Rougneck
20 Attack Archer
29 Attack Cavalry
32 Attack Cavalry
31 Attack Archer
53 + 42 42
=> Skunk
40 Bandit Cavalry
40 Thug
40 Roughneck
20 Attack Archer
29 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Archer
31 Attack Archer
29 + 60 18
=> Skunk
40 Bandit Bowman
40 Thug
40 Roughneck
20 Attack Archer
29 Attack Cavalry
29 Attack Archer
31 Attack Archer
29 + 60 18
=> Skunk
40 Bandit Bowman
40 Bandit Longbowman
40 Thug
20 Attack Archer
29 Attack Cavalry
32 Attack Cavalry
29 Attack Archer
53 + 38 42
=> Skunk
30 Bandit Bowman
30 Bandit Longbowman
30 Thug
30 Roughneck
20 Attack Archer
27 Attack Cavalry
29 Attack Cavalry
27 Attack Archer
32 Attack Archer
42 + 44 26
=> Skunk
30 Bandit Cavalry
30 Thug
30 Roughneck
30 Bandit Bowman
20 Attack Archer
27 Attack Infantry
27 Attack Archer
31 Attack Archer
27 Attack Cavalry
1 wave (100) 25 + 50 + 25
1 wave (120) 27 + 53 + 27
12 / 11
12 / 11

Camp Leader Type of Required Units Number of Required Units Losses
=> Scarr
60 Bandit Cavalry
60 Bandit Bowman
34 Attack Infantry
38 Attack Infantry
38 Attack Cavalry
61 + 38 49
=> Scarr
60 Bandit Cavalry
60 Thug
34 Attack Infantry
38 Attack Infantry
38 Attack Archer
61 + 38 49
=> Scarr
60 Bandit Bowman
60 Rougneck
34 Attack Infantry
38 Attack Cavalry
42 Attack Archer
1 wave (100) 16
2 wave (100) 34 + 26 + 40
1 wave (120) 34 + 38 + 42
100 / 120
36 / 27
36 / 33
=> Scarr
60 Bandit Longbowman
60 Roughneck
34 Attack Infantry
44 Attack Cavalry
42 Attack Archer
1 wave (100) 18
2 wave (100) 30 + 30 + 40
1 wave (120) 34 + 44 + 42
100 / 120
24 / 22
45 / 36
36 / 33
=> Scarr
60 Bandit Cavalry
60 Roughneck
34 Attack Infantry
38 Attack Infantry
42 Attack Archer
1 wave (100) 58 + 42
1 wave (120) 61 + 42
100 / 120
51 / 49
=> Scarr
60 Bandit Longbowman
60 Thug
34 Attack Infantry
44 Attack Cavalry
38 Attack Archer
1 wave (100) 18
2 wave (100) 30 + 32 + 38
1 wave (120) 34 + 44 + 38
100 / 120
24 / 22
42 / 36
=> Scarr
60 Bandit Cavalry
60 Bandit Longbowman
34 Attack Infantry
38 Attack Infantry
44 Attack Cavalry
1 wave (100) 56 + 44
1 wave (120) 61 + 44
100 / 120
51 / 49
=> Scarr
40 Bandit Cavalry
40 Bandit Bowman
40 Thug
40 Bandit Recruit
34 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Cavalry
29 Attack Archer
26 Attack Archer
1 wave (100) 16
2 wave (100) 36 + 25 + 39
1 wave (120) 47 + 29 + 44
100 / 120
51 / 42
23 / 18
33 / 34
=> Scarr
40 Bandit Cavalry
40 Thug
40 Bandit Bowman
34 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Archer
29 Attack Cavalry
1 wave (100) 46 + 27 + 27
1 wave (120) 52 + 29 + 29
100 / 120
42 / 40
20 / 18
20 / 18

Camp Leader Type of Required Units Number of Required Units Losses
=> Shadow
40 Bandit Cavalry
40 Bandit Bowman
40 Thug
32 Attack Cavalry
29 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Cavalry
29 Attack Archer
1 wave (100) 25 + 50 + 25
1 wave (100) 27 + 38 + 35
1 wave (120) 29 + 50 + 29
100 / 100 / 120
23 / 20 / 18
38 / 45 / 45
23 / 25 / 18
=> Shadow
40 Bandit Cavalry
40 Thug
40 Bandit Longbowman
32 Attack Cavalry
29 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Archer
32 Attack Cavalry
1 wave (100) 16
2 wave (100) 56 + 16 + 28
1 wave (120) 56 + 29 + 29
100 / 120
30 / 18
=> Shadow
53 Bandit Recruit
53 Thug
53 Roughneck
32 Attack Cavalry
32 Attack Archer
38 Attack Archer
42 Attack Archer
1 wave (100) 14
2 wave (100) 68 + 32
1 wave (100) 80 + 20
1 wave (120) 78 + 32
100 / 100 / 120
70 / 69 / 62
27 / 20 / 27
=> Shadow
60 Bandit Cavalry
60 Thug
32 Attack Cavalry
38 Attack Infantry
38 Attack Archer
1 wave (100) 34 + 32 + 34
1 wave (100) 37 + 20 + 43
1 wave (120) 38 + 32 + 38
100 / 100 / 120
32 / 27 / 27
27 / 20 / 27
32 / 34 / 27
=> Shadow
60 Bandit Cavalry
60 Bandit Longbowman
32 Attack Cavalry
38 Attack Infantry
44 Attack Cavalry
1 wave (100) 16
2 wave (100) 29 + 68
1 wave (100) 44 + 56
1 wave (120) 38 + 68
100 / 100 / 120
34 / 37 / 27
63 / 56 / 63
=> Shadow
60 Bandit Longbowman
60 Thug
32 Attack Cavalry
44 Attack Cavalry
38 Attack Archer
1 wave (100) 18
2 wave (100) 66 + 34
1 wave (100) 56 + 44
1 wave (120) 68 + 38
100 / 100 / 120
69 / 56 / 63
32 / 34 / 27
=> Shadow
60 Bandit Longbowman
60 Roughneck
32 Attack Cavalry
44 Attack Cavalry
42 Attack Archer
1 wave (100) 18
2 wave (100) 42 + 56
1 wave (120) 42 + 68
100 / 120
69 / 63
=> Shadow
40 Bandit Cavalry
40 Bandit Bowman
40 Thug
40 Bandit Recruit
32 Attack Cavalry
29 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Cavalry
29 Attack Archer
26 Attack Archer
1 wave (100) 16
2 wave (100) 16
3 wave (100) 50 + 44
1 wave (100) 25 + 37 + 25
2 wave (100) 32
1 wave (120) 29 + 50 + 41
100 / 100 / 120
32 / 25 / 18
45 / 52 / 45
30 / 37 / 31
=> Shadow
80 Bandit Recruit
80 Thug
32 Attack Cavalry
38 Attack Archer
51 Attack Archer
1 wave (100) 32 + 68
1 wave (100) 20 + 80
1 wave (120) 32 + 71
100 / 100 / 120
27 / 20 / 27
64 / 67 / 60
=> Shadow
80 Bandit Recruit
80 Roughneck
32 Attack Cavalry
38 Attack Archer
53 Attack Archer
1 wave (100) 20
2 wave (100) 32 + 68
1 wave (120) 32 + 82
100 / 120
76 / 68
=> Shadow
80 Bandit Bowman
80 Bandit Recruit
32 Attack Cavalry
47 Attack Cavalry
38 Attack Archer
1 wave (100) 68 + 32
1 wave (100) 56 + 44
1 wave (120) 68 + 38
100 / 100 / 120
63 / 56 / 63
28 / 31 / 24
=> Shadow
80 Bandit Bowman
80 Thug
32 Attack Cavalry
47 Attack Cavalry
47 Attack Archer
1 wave (100) 25
2 wave (100) 53 + 47
1 wave (120) 58 + 47
100 / 120
70 / 63
=> Shadow
80 Bandit Bowman
80 Roughneck
32 Attack Cavalry
47 Attack Cavalry
53 Attack Archer
1 wave (100) 26
2 wave (100) 48 + 52
1 wave (120) 68 + 52
100 / 120
72 / 63
=> Shadow
80 Thug
80 Roughneck
32 Attack Cavalry
47 Attack Archer
53 Attack Archer
1 wave (100) 25
2 wave (100) 32 + 68
1 wave (100) 87
2 wave (100) 32
1 wave (120) 32 + 88
100 / 100 / 120
30 / 27 / 27
93 / 87 / 81
=> Shadow
53 Bandit Bowman
53 Thug
53 Roughneck
32 Attack Cavalry
35 Attack Cavalry
34 Attack Archer
41 Attack Archer
1 wave (100) 16
2 wave (100) 44 + 56
1 wave (120) 54 + 63
100 / 120
59 / 49
52 / 48

Camp Leader Type of Required Units Number of Required Units Losses
=> Wild Mary
30 Bandit Bowman
30 Bandit Recruit
14 Attack Archer
25 Attack Cavalry
26 Attack Archer
1 wave (100) 33 + 25 25

Camp Leader Type of Required Units Number of Required Units Losses
no data

Camp Leader Type of Required Units Number of Required Units Losses
=> Greybeard
60 Bandit Cavalry
60 Thug
38 Attack Archer
38 Attack Infantry
38 Attack Archer
1 wave (100) 62 + 38
1 wave (120) 65 + 38
100 / 120
52 / 51
=> Greybeard
60 Bandit Longbowman
60 Roughneck
38 Attack Archer
44 Attack Cavalry
42 Attack Archer
1 wave (100) 18
2 wave (100) 32 + 68
1 wave (120) 44 + 71
100 / 120
42 / 36
57 / 58
=> Greybeard
60 Bandit Longbowman
60 Thug
38 Attack Archer
44 Attack Cavalry
38 Attack Archer
1 wave (100) 42 + 58
1 wave (120) 44 + 65
100 / 120
39 / 36
56 / 51
=> Greybeard
60 Bandit Cavalry
60 Bandit Longbowman
38 Attack Archer
38 Attack Infantry
44 Attack Cavalry
1 wave (100) 16
2 wave (100) 32 + 26 + 42
1 wave (120) 38 + 38 + 44
100 / 120
28 / 24
37 / 27
39 / 36
=> Greybeard
40 Bandit Cavalry
40 Thug
40 Bandit Bowman
38 Attack Archer
29 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Archer
29 Attack Cavalry
1 wave (100) 25 + 25 + 50
1 wave (120) 29 + 29 + 56
100 / 120
23 / 18
23 / 18
46 / 42
=> Greybeard
40 Bandit Cavalry
40 Thug
40 Bandit Longbowman
38 Attack Archer
29 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Archer
32 Atttack Cavalry
1 wave (100) 39 + 29 + 32
1 wave (120) 56 + 29 + 32
100 / 120
39 / 47
29 / 18
28 / 24

Camp Leader Type of Required Units Number of Required Units Losses
=> Drak The Devourer
40 Bandit Cavalry
40 Thug
40 Bandit Recruit
40 Bandit Bowman
54 Attack Archer
29 Attack Infantry
29 Attack Archer
26 Attack Archer
29 Attack Cavalry
1 wave (100) 16
2 wave (100) 16
3 wave (100) 16
4 wave (100) 16 + 84
1 wave (120) 16
2 wave (120) 16 + 25 + 79
100 / 120
32 / 30
32 / 23

Blocking Camps:

To block the camps, send heavy units that have a weak attack but are more durable. The length of the round is the same as the general transition time between two flags (1 flag = 1 round). Just calculate how much our other generals have a flag to transition of capture zone of the blocked camp. The result will give us the number of required rounds of fighting block. The best is yet to accept a few extra rounds in blocks due to the interruption when changing groups. We must also remember to the appropriate set of generals. Sometimes we need to send blocking General to camp with boss, who at some point will be intercepted by blocking camp.

The table below shows how heavy units must be sent to the blocking of bandits and mercenaries. Heavy units fighting in groups of 10 units. Is also given number of rounds, during which fighting one group heavy units.


Bandits Type of Units
10 Bandit Recruit 10 Heavy Archer [number of rounds: 21] or
10 Guardsman [number of rounds: 20]
10 Thug 10 Heavy Archer [number of rounds: 16] or
10 Guardsman [number of rounds: 24]
10 Roughneck 10 Heavy Archer [number of rounds: 18] or
10 Guardsman [number of rounds: 23]
10 Bandit Longbowman 10 Heavy Cavalry [number of rounds: 11] or
10 Heavy Archer [number of rounds: 11] or
10 Guardsman [number of rounds: 14]
10 Bandit Bowman 10 Heavy Cavalry [number of rounds: 14] or
10 Strażnik [number of rounds: 20]
10 Bandit Cavalry 10 Heavy Infantry [number of rounds: 16] or
10 Guardsman [number of rounds: 24]
10 War Dog 10 Heavy Infantry [number of rounds: 3] or
10 Heavy Archer [number of rounds: 3] or
10 Heavy Cavalry [number of rounds: 3] or
10 Guardsman [number of rounds: 1]
10 Mercenary Duelist 10 Heavy Archer [number of rounds: 19] or
10 Guardsman [number of rounds: 29]
10 Mercenary Infantry 10 Heavy Archer [number of rounds: 13] or
10 Guardsman [number of rounds: 16]
10 Mercenary Sharpshooter 10 Heavy Cavalry [number of rounds: 19] or
10 Guardsman [number of rounds: 29]
10 Mercenary Archer 10 Heavy Cavalry [number of rounds: 13] or
10 Guardsman [number of rounds: 16]
10 Mercenary Charger 10 Heavy Infantry [number of rounds: 19] or
10 Guardsman [number of rounds: 29]
10 Mercenary Calvary 10 Heavy Infantry [number of rounds: 13] or
10 Guardsman [number of rounds: 16]
1 Attack Cavalry
1 Attack Infantry
1 Attack Archer
1 Heavy Cavalry
1 Heavy Infantry
1 Heavy Archer
Each unit type [number of rounds: 6 + time of change = about 12 rounds]

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