Spring Park

from level 17

Origin: Easter Event 2019-2023 2.945
Easter Event 2018 2.645
Colorful Bag (100%)

Need a patent construction: NO
Build time: 40 seconds
Size building: 2×2 field
Possibility of improving: NO
Can trade: NO
After the demolition returns to star menu: YES

In the building we can activate zone buffs:

Appearance Name Description Costs Cooldown
Spring Festival Reduces production time in Provision House and Rarity Provision House about 2x for 8 hours. 750 + 2.000 47 hours
Spring Cleaning Increases the production of buildings: Improved Farm, Improved Mill, Improved Bakery, Improved Silo, Improved Watermill, Improved Butcher, Improved Deerstalker Hut about 3x for 6 hours. 1.000 + 1.500 47 hours
Walpurgis Night Highlights all collectibles on your home island with blue arrows for 5 minutes 100 47 hours
Children’s Easter Novels Increases the production of buildings: Papermill (Normal, Intermediate, Advanced), Finesmith, Lettersmith, Ornamental Smith about 2x for 6 hours. 250 + 50 47 hours


Number of Buildings: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time: 47:00h 23:30h 15:40h 11:45h 09:24h 07:50h 06:43h 05:52h 05:13h 04:42h

Immediately Upgrade a Building: 1

Move a Building: free