Easter Event 2019 – Achievements

Easter Events – Easter 2019 – 1.070 Points and 180

Name Appearance Quest Points Reward
First-Time Eggs-Plorer Find 10 eggs with your explorers 10
Hobby Eggs-Plorer Find 50 eggs with your explorers 20
Eggs-Plorer Find 150 eggs with your explorers 30
Experienced Eggs-Plorer Find 300 eggs with your explorers 40
Master Eggs-Plorer Find 600 eggs with your explorers 50
Hunt The Hunter Finish the adventure “Garrun The Trapper” once
First-Time Egg-Farmer Finish the adventure “where do Easter Eggs Come From?” once 10
Egg-Farmer Finish the adventure “where do Easter Eggs Come From?” 3 times 20
Master Egg-Farmer Finish the adventure “where do Easter Eggs Come From?” 5 times
Easter Adventure Third Class Collect 50 eggs from adventure loot
Easter Adventure Second Class Collect 250 eggs from adventure loot
Easter Adventure First Class Collect 750 eggs from adventure loot
Master Easter Adventure Collect 1.200 eggs from adventure loot
Memories Successfully finish the Easter quest “Bring back memory”
Lost Eggs Successfully finish the Easter quest “Lost eggs”
The Easter Bunny’s Assistant Successfully finish the Easter quest “The Easter bunny’s assistant”
The Egg Competition Successfully finish the Easter quest “The egg competition”
Easter Maniac Successfully finish the Easter quest “Bring back memory”, “Lost eggs”, “The Easter bunny’s assistant” and “The egg competition”
You’re Not On The List Deal with the party crashers. Either a military or a diplomatic approach are valid.
Not So Menacing After All Deal with the party crashers 5 times. Either a military or a diplomatic approach are valid.
You Guys Are Persistent! Deal with the party crashers 10 times. Either a military or a diplomatic approach are valid.
Behave Yourselves, Don’t Fight Deal with the party crashers 15 times. Either a military or a diplomatic approach are valid.
Why Can’t We Be Friends? Make 25 modest truce offers to party crashers plaguing your friend’s island
There’s No Need For Fighting Make 25 decent truce offers to party crashers plaguing your friend’s island
Sharing Is Caring Make 25 gaudy truce offers to party crashers plaguing your friend’s island
Look What I Found! Find 20 stripy Easter eggs on your home island.
Hide And Seek! Find 100 stripy Easter eggs on your home island.
Best Egg Hunter Ever! Find 300 stripy Easter eggs on your home island.
I’m Not Alone! Participate in the completion of at least 1 Easter quild quest.
We’re This Together! Participate in the completion of at least 5 Easter quild quests.
With A Little Help From My Friends Participate in the completion of at least 10 Easter quild quest.
United We Stand Participate in the completion of at least 15 Easter quild quest.
Everything Is Better With Sweets Complete the story “Mr Croix Sants New Delight”.