Outlaws – Younger Gemini General with Crossbowmen


  • 655 Recruit [-655]
  • 123 Crossbowman
  • 1 Soldier
  • 3x
  • 375 Recruit [-375]
  • 322 Cavalry
  • 123 Crossbowman
  • 133 Soldier

You can use Rain of Arrows on leader camp 12 to take over the entire sector.
YGG will destroy other camps on his way without additional losses.

Garrison Camp Enemy Units Our Attacks
G1 1 30 Thug, 80 Guard Dog, 50 Ranger 1 wave (YGG) 1 Recruit [losses: 1R]
G1 2 50 Scavenger, 50 Guard Dog, 50 Stone Thrower 1 wave (YGG) 1 Recruit [losses: 1R]
G1 3 100 Scavenger, 50 Stone Thrower 1 wave (YGG) 1 Recruit [losses: 1R]
G1 4 50 Scavenger, 50 Guard Dog, 50 Stone Thrower 1 wave (YGG) 1 Recruit [losses: 1R]
G1 5 100 Guard Dog, 80 Stone Thrower, Skunk 1 wave (YGG) 45 Recruit [losses: 45R]
G1 6 100 Thug, 60 Ranger 1 wave (YGG) 100 Recruit [losses: 100R]
G1 7 60 Thug, 100 Ranger 1 wave (YGG) 10 Recruit [losses: 10R]
G1 8 40 Thug, 40 Roughneck, 80 Ranger 1 wave (YGG) 100 Recruit [losses: 100R]
G1 9 80 Roughneck, 100 Ranger 1 wave (YGG) 115 Recruit [losses: 115R]
G1 10 80 Guard Dog, 40 Roughneck, 60 Ranger 1 wave (YGG) 40 Recruit [losses: 40R]
G1 11 150 Roughneck 1 wave (YGG) 125 Recruit [losses: 125R]
G1 12 Metal Toothed, 2 Skunk 1 wave (YGG) 17 Recruit, 123 Crossbowman [losses: 17R]
G2 13 180 Thug, One-Eyed Bert 1 wave (YGG) 1 Recruit
2 wave (200) 98 Recruit, 1 Soldier, 101 Crossbowman [losses: 99R]


See how to make blocks

More information can be found in the guide: How Make Blocks

Remember blocks you do on your own responsibility, there is always a risk that the block can fail.

Camp 9, 10, 11

From Ga (28 Soldier, 162 Cavalry) send General to camp 9, shortly aftre
from Gb (15 Soldier, 160 Cavalry) send General to camp 10, shortly after
from Gc (90 Recruit, 90 Soldier) send General to camp 11, shortly after
from W (1 wave (YGG) 17 Recruit, 123 Crossbowman) send Gemini to camp 12.