Ali Baba, The Young Wood Cutter – GEM + VAR + BRS (Sybux)


  • 2x
  • 540 Mounted Swordsman [-190]
  • 41 Knight [-41]
  • 80 Armored Marksman
  • 437 Mounted Marksman
  • 155 Besieger


Juggernaut 3/3
Overrun 3/3
Unstoppable Charge 3/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
Master Planner 1/1
Juggernaut 3/3
Overrun 3/3
Unstoppable Charge 3/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
Master Planner 1/1
Juggernaut 3/3
Overrun 3/3
Unstoppable Charge 3/3
Battle Frenzy 2/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
Master Planner 1/1

Garrison Camp Enemy Units Our Attacks
G2 4 80 Sword Wielder, 80 Mounted Bowman 1 wave (VAR) 40 Mounted Swordsman, 80 Armored Marksman, 75 Mounted Marksman [losses: 32MS]
G3 8 80 Mounted Bowman, 90 Sword Clasher 1 wave (VAR) 60 Mounted Swordsman, 80 Mounted Marksman, 40 Besieger [losses: 20MS]
G5 16 20 Mounted Bowman, 90 Sword Wielder, 70 Horseman 1 wave (BRS) 29 Mounted Swordsman, 11 Knight, 155 Besieger [losses: 29MS, 11K]
G5 17 100 Desert Marksman, 100 Stone Cannon 1 wave (BRS) 195 Mounted Marksman [losses: 0]


See how to make blocks

More information can be found in the guide: How Make Blocks

Remember blocks you do on your own responsibility, there is always a risk that the block can fail.

Camp 1-3Camp 5-7Camp 9-10Camp 12-15Camp 18-19

From Ga (197 Mounted Swordsman) send General to camp 1, shortly after
from W (1 wave (BRS) 24 Mounted Swordsman, 171 Mounted Marksman) send Boris to camp 3 (General will destroy camp 2 on his way, without additional losses).

From Gb (200 Mounted Swordsman) send General to camp 5, shortly after
from Gc (150 Mounted Swordsman, 40 Armored Marksman) send General to camp 6, shortly after
from W (1 wave (BRS) 16 Mounted Swordsman, 179 Mounted Marksman) send Boris to camp 7.

From Gd (150 Mounted Swordsman, 10 Armored Marksman) send General to camp 9, shortly after
from W (1 wave (BRS) 16 Mounted Swordsman, 179 Mounted Marksman) send Boris to camp 11 (General will destroy camp 10 on his way, without additional losses).

From Ge (164 Mounted Swordsman, 36 Armored Marksman) send General to camp 12, shortly after
from Gf (126 Mounted Swordsman) send General to camp 13, shortly after
from W1 (1 wave (BRS) 18 Mounted Swordsman, 177 Mounted Marksman) send Boris to camp 14, shortly after
from W2 (1 wave (GEM) 35 Mounted Swordsman, 260 Mounted Marksman) send Gemini to camp 15.

From Gg (160 Mounted Swordsman, 40 Armored Marksman) send General to camp 18, when General comes to the place marked with the red circle
from G5 (1 wave (BRS) 30 Knight) and
from W (2 wave (GEM) 295 Mounted Marksman) send Generals to camp 19.

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