Daily Login Bonus

Daily login is a system that rewards active players. By logging in to the game each day will receive reward appropriate to our level. If you do not log on one day reward will be forfeited, and the next we’ll get the next day, the premium starts to charge again. 7 day always receive 100 gems. Receive reward from about 4:00 hours

LEVEL 1 – 20

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
30 (27.8%) 80 (27.8%) 100 (40.0%) 20 (27.8%) 30 (29.4%) 10 (30.0%) 100
50 (16.7%) 100 (16.7%) 120 (20.0%) 30 (16.7%) 40 (17.6%) 20 (10.0%)
80 (5.6%) 120 (5.6%) 50 (26.7%) 40 (5.6%) 50 (5.9%) 30 (10.0%)
50 (27.8%) 50 (27.8%) 70 (13.3%) 20 (27.8%) 150 (29.4%) 40 (30.0%)
70 (16.7%) 70 (16.7%) 35 (16.7%) 200 (11.8%) 80 (20.0%)
100 (5.6%) 100 (5.6%) 50 (5.6%) 300 (5.9%)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 2 2 3 3 4 100