Split City in Fall Player 1 – OGG + YGG + BRS + STF + VAR + MED (Mazimus332)


  • 2x 2x 2x 6x
  • 397 Recruit [-397]
  • 800 Mounted Swordsman [-643]
  • 1.000 Knight [-792]
  • 1.000 Mounted Marksman
  • 195 Besieger
  • 500 Armored Marksman


Juggernaut 3/3
Overrun 3/3
Unstoppable Charge 3/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
Master Planner 1/1
Overrun 3/3
Battle Frenzy 3/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
Master Planner 1/1
Overrun 3/3
Battle Frenzy 3/3
Unstoppable Charge 3/3
Weekly Maintenance 1/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
Master Planner 1/1
Juggernaut 3/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
1-Up 1/1
Overrun 3/3
Unstoppable Charge 3/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
Master Planner 1/1
Juggernaut 1/3
Overrun 3/3
Unstoppable Charge 3/3
Battle Frenzy 1/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
Master Planner 1/1
Unstoppable Charge 3/3 First Aid 1/3
1-Up 1/1

*ALL BLOCKS*: You’ll need your 6 default generals with 1-UP ability. *Be careful about this*, keep in mind everytime you use one of them, you could arrive to the end of the adventure (G6) with 1 less (active) general, but one of your generals would hadn’t fought by that moment and he will have 2 lives.
*G5 BLOCK:* You should send every general fast, and it wouldn’t fail, but if you want, you can place any 200Fast general behind the 200Normal general to do a safer block.
*G6 BLOCK:* You can replace [G1] by nothing or any 200Fast, if you want.
I recommend to use obsidian horseshoes on this adventure.

Garrison Camp Enemy Units Our Attacks
G1 1 102 Wolf Packleader, 93 Giant, 90 Stone Cannon, 45 Mounted Bowman 1 wave (YGG) 134 Recruit
2 wave (VAR) 30 Mounted Swordsman, 165 Armored Marksman [losses: 134R, 29MS]
G1 2 258 Jomviking, 27 Stone Throwing Ape, 17 Giant, 8 Wolf Packleader 1 wave (YGG) 155 Recruit
2 wave (MCH) 16 Mounted Swordsman 199 Armored Marksman [losses: 155R, 14MS]
G1 3 82 Horseman, 68 Wolf Packleader, 64 Stone Throwing Ape, 24 Desert Marksman BLOCK
G1 4 76 Sword Master, 51 Mounted Bowman, 9 Iron Fist 1 wave (OGG) 50 Mounted Swordsman, 60 Knight, 185 Besieger [losses: 49MS, 42K]
G2 5 99 Mounted Bowman, 78 Wolf Packleader, 73 Mounted Sailor, 54 Sword Master 1 wave (BRS) 25 Mounted Swordsman, 81 Knight, 89 Besieger [losses: 25MS, 80K]
G2 6 134 Sword Clasher, 91 Mounted Bowman, 64 Desert Marksman, 48 Giant 1 wave (BRS) 195 Knight [losses: 148K]
G2 7 105 Desert Marksman, 113 Wolf Packleader, 87 Mounted Bowman, 73 Giant BLOCK
G2 8 110 Horseman, 88 Alpha Ape, 6 Assassine 1 wave (MED) 65 Knight
2 wave (VAR) 44 Mounted Swordsman, 151 Armored Marksman [losses: 65K, 44MS]
G3 9 230 Sword Clasher, 67 Desert Marksman, 50 Mounted Bowman, 27 Alpha Ape 1 wave (YGG) 38 Recruit
2 wave (BRS) 7 Mounted Swordsman, 188 Mounted Marksman [losses: 38R, 6MS]
G3 10 156 Sword Clasher, 93 Sword Master, 71 Desert Marksman 1 wave (STF) 21 Mounted Swordsman, 214 Mounted Marksman [losses: 20MS]
G3 11 182 Jomviking, 176 Giant, 142 Stone Cannon BLOCK
G3 12 176 Giant, 98 Mounted Sailor, 5 Giant Bear 1 wave (OGG) 70 Mounted Swordsman, 225 Armored Marksman [losses: 70MS]
G4 13 200 Grey Wolf 1 wave (BRS) 190 Mounted Swordsman, 5 Knight [losses: 0]
G4 14 183 Mounted Sailor, 149 Alpha Ape, 87 Giant 1 wave (STF) 104 Knight
2 wave (OGG) 25 Mounted Swordsman, 270 Armored Marksman [losses: 104K, 25MS]
G4 15 80 Desert Marksman, 79 Sword Master, 45 Mounted Bowman 1 wave (STF) 15 Mounted Swordsman, 220 Knight [losses: 15MS, 38K]
G4 16 246 Sword Master, 96 Stone Cannon BLOCK
G4 17 100 Mounted Bowman, 19 Mounted Bowman, 4 Dark Wizard 1 wave (OGG) 120 Mounted Swordsman, 80 Knight, 95 Besieger [losses: 105MS, 16K]
G5 18 133 Mounted Bowman, 93 Giant, 67 Sword Clasher, 25 Alpha Ape 1 wave (BRS) 15 Knight
2 wave (BRS) 9 Mounted Swordsman, 186 Knight [losses: 9MS, 107K]
G5 19 166 Sword Clasher, 85 Giant, 84 Alpha Ape 1 wave (STF) 40 Mounted Swordsman, 60 Armored Marksman, 135 Mounted Marksman [losses: 37MS]
G5 20 135 Wolf Packleader, 118 Stone Throwing Ape BLOCK
G5 21 84 Horseman, 53 Stone Throwing Ape, 3 Black Bull, 2 Iron Fist 1 wave (BRS) 67 Knight
2 wave (MCH) 19 Mounted Swordsman, 196 Armored Marksman [losses: 67K, 18MS]
G6 22 200 Jomviking, 71 Desert Marksman, 18 Stone Throwing Ape 1 wave (YGG) 70 Recruit
2 wave (BRS) 195 Mounted Marksman [losses: 70R]
G6 23 183 Mounted Sailor, 178 Wolf Packleader, 111 Jomviking 1 wave (STF) 75 Mounted Swordsman, 160 Mounted Marksman [losses: 74MS]
G6 24 233 Horseman, 83 Mounted Sailor, 60 Stone Cannon BLOCK
G6 25 124 Mounted Sailor, 97 Horseman, 93 Sword Master, Giant Bat 1 wave (STF) 125 Knight
2 wave (OGG) 105 Mounted Swordsman, 190 Besieger [losses: 125K, 103MS]


See how to make blocks

More information can be found in the guide: How Make Blocks

Remember blocks you do on your own responsibility, there is always a risk that the block can fail.

Camp 3-4Camp 7-8Camp 11-12Camp 16-17Camp 20-21Camp 24-25

Send G1 and G2 (200) with (1 Mounted Marksman) to 3 (blockers),
Send G3 (OGG) with (50 Mounted Swordsman, 60 Knight, 185 Besieger) to 4 (attacker).

Send G1 and G2 (200) with (1 Mounted Marksman) to 7 (blockers),
Send G3 (MED) with (65 Knight) and G4 (VAR) with (44 Mounted Swordsman, 151 Armored Marksman) to 8 (attackers)

Send G1 and G2 (200) with (1 Mounted Marksman) to 11 (blockers),
Send G3 (OGG) with (70 Mounted Swordsman, 225 Armored Marksman) to 12 (attacker).

Send G1 and G2 (200) with (1 Mounted Marksman) to 16 (blockers),
Send G3 (OGG) with (120 Mounted Swordsman, 80 Knight, 95 Besieger) to 17 (attacker).

Send G1 (200) with (1 Mounted Marksman) to 20 (blocker).
*You can place any FastGeneral behind G1 to make this block safer*
Send G2 (BRS) with (67 Knight) and G3 (MCH) with (19 Mounted Swordsman, 196 Armored Marksman) to 21 (attackers).

Send G1 and G2 and G3 (200) with (1 Mounted Marksman) to 24 (blockers).
*You can even not use G1 or replace it by any FastGeneral*
Send G4 (STF) with (125 Knight) and (OGG) with (105 Mounted Marksman, 190 Besieger) to 25 (attackers).

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