Split City in Fall Player 2 – OGG + YGG + NUS + VAR + ANS + BRS + STF (Mazimus332)


  • 2x 2x 6x
  • 455 Recruit [-455]
  • 175 Bowman [-175]
  • 1.000 Mounted Swordsman [-855]
  • 400 Knight [-258]
  • 615 Armored Marksman
  • 555 Mounted Marksman
  • 555 Besieger


Overrun 3/3
Battle Frenzy 3/3
Unstoppable Charge 3/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
Weekly Maintenance 1/3
Master Planner 1/1
Juggernaut 3/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
1-Up 1/1
Rapid Fire 3/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
1-Up 1/1
Overrun 3/3
Battle Frenzy 3/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
Master Planner 1/1
Overrun 3/3
Battle Frenzy 3/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
Weekly Maintenance 2/3
Master Planner 1/1
Juggernaut 3/3
Overrun 3/3
Unstoppable Charge 3/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
Master Planner 1/1
Juggernaut 1/3
Overrun 3/3
Unstoppable Charge 3/3
Battle Frenzy 1/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
Master Planner 1/1
1-Up 1/1

*ALL BLOCKS*: You’ll need at least 5 of your default generals with 1-UP ability. *Be careful about this*, keep in mind everytime you use one of them.

ON G1 BLOCK: you can replace one of your default generals by a fast one, it will be more risky but it should work.
ON G2 BLOCK: you can replace one of your default generals by a fast one, it will be more risky but it should work.
ON G3 BLOCK: you can replace the default general by one fast general, it will be more risky but it should work.
ON G4 BLOCK: you can replace one of your default generals by a fast one, it will be more risky but it should work.
ON G5 BLOCK: you must use 2 default generals.

Garrison Camp Enemy Units Our Attacks
G1 1 158 Desert Marksman, 136 Alpha Ape, 127 Wolf Packleader, 57 Mounted Sailor 1 wave (YGG) 50 Recruit
2 wave (OGG) 35 Mounted Swordsman, 80 Armored Marksman, 180 Mounted Marksman [losses: 50R, 34MS]
G1 2 178 Jomviking, 91 Wolf Packleader, 82 Mounted Sailor, 79 Giant 1 wave (YGG) 155 Recruit
2 wave (STF) 30 Mounted Swordsman, 165 Armored Marksman, 40 Mounted Marksman [losses: 155R, 28MS]
G1 3 181 Jomviking, 140 Sword Master, 110 Stone Cannon, 35 Sword Clasher BLOCK
G1 4 91 Mounted Sailor, 85 Mounted Bowman, 66 Alpha Ape, 6 Black Bull 1 wave (ANS) 80 Mounted Swordsman, 40 Knight, 45 Besieger [losses: 78MS, 37K]
G2 5 121 Desert Marksman, 119 Alpha Ape, 111 Sword Clasher, 45 Mounted Bowman 1 wave (STF) 35 Knight
2 wave (OGG) 30 Mounted Swordsman, 60 Armored Marksman, 205 Mounted Marksman [losses: 35K, 29MS]
G2 6 172 Sword Master, 113 Giant, 102 Stone Cannon, 69 Wolf Packleader 1 wave (OGG) 85 Mounted Swordsman, 170 Armored Marksman, 40 Mounted Marksman [losses: 82MS]
G2 7 230 Mounted Sailor, 132 Wolf Packleader, 108 Jomviking BLOCK
G2 8 65 Desert Marksman, 54 Horseman, 58 Sword Master, 2 Assassine, Dark Wizard 1 wave (STF) 50 Mounted Swordsman, 105 Knight, 80 Besieger [losses: 50MS, 30K]
G3 9 147 Giant, 126 Horseman, 71 Stone Cannon 1 wave (STF) 85 Mounted Swordsman, 30 Armored Marksman, 120 Mounted Marksman [losses: 81MS]
G3 10 166 Horseman, 147 Mounted Bowman, 26 Desert Marksman 1 wave (BRS) 35 Mounted Swordsman, 105 Knight, 55 Besieger [losses: 30MS, 60K]
G3 11 120 Stone Throwing Ape, 54 Alpha Ape BLOCK
G3 12 87 Mounted Sailor, 43 Stone Throwing Ape, 3 Black Bull, 2 Giant Bear 1 wave (VAR) 100 Mounted Swordsman, 20 Knight, 75 Armored Marksman [losses: 100MS]
G4 13 201 Jomviking, 76 Desert Marksman, 59 Mounted Sailor, 23 Alpha Ape 1 wave (YGG) 120 Recruit
2 wave (STF) 10 Mounted Swordsman, 175 Armored Marksman, 50 Mounted Marksman [losses: 120R, 8MS]
G4 14 144 Giant, 125 Jomviking, 39 Stone Cannon, 28 Stone Throwing Ape 1 wave (YGG) 130 Recruit
2 wave (OGG) 260 Armored Marksman, 35 Mounted Marksman [losses: 130R]
G4 15 173 Horseman, 138 Mounted Sailor, 121 Alpha Ape BLOCK
G4 16 178 Jomviking, 168 Horseman, 3 Assassine, 2 Iron Fist 1 wave (STF) 96 Knight
2 wave (VAR) 15 Mounted Swordsman, 180 Armored Marksman [losses: 96K, 14MS]
G5 17 88 Sword Master, 55 Horseman, 32 Stone Throwing Ape 1 wave (NUS) 1 Mounted Marksman
2 wave (VAR) 65 Mounted Swordsman, 75 Armored Marksman, 55 Mounted Marksman [losses: 64MS]
G5 18 205 Sword Clasher, 151 Wolf Packleader, 101 Stone Cannon 1 wave (NUS) 175 Bowman
2 wave (BRS) 195 Mounted Marksman [losses: 175Bow]
G5 19 164 Horseman, 132 Mounted Sailor, 77 Alpha Ape, 57 Stone Cannon BLOCK
G5 20 123 Sword Master, 2 Black Bull, 2 Dark Wizard, 2 Giant Bear 1 wave (OGG) 110 Mounted Swordsman, 185 Armored Marksman [losses: 108MS]
G6 21 154 Sword Master, 133 Giant, 97 Wolf Packleader, 44 Alpha Ape 1 wave (OGG) 80 Mounted Swordsman, 160 Armored Marksman, 55 Mounted Marksman [losses: 79MS]
G6 22 144 Wolf Packleader, 135 Stone Cannon, 91 Alpha Ape, 69 Sword Clasher 1 wave (OGG) 30 Mounted Swordsman, 90 Armored Marksman, 175 Mounted Marksman [losses: 29MS]
G6 23 145 Desert Marksman, 122 Mounted Bowman, 59 Horseman, 48 Jomviking BLOCK
G6 24 152 Jomviking, 12 Mounted Sailor, Boulder Worm 1 wave (VAR) 41 Mounted Swordsman, 154 Armored Marksman [losses: 41MS]


See how to make blocks

More information can be found in the guide: How Make Blocks

Remember blocks you do on your own responsibility, there is always a risk that the block can fail.

Camp 3-4Camp 7-8Camp 11-12Camp 15-16Camp 19-20Camp 23-24

Send G1 and G2 (200) with (1 Mounted Marksman) to 3 (blockers),
Send G3 (ANS) with 1 wave (80 Mounted Swordsman, 40 Knight, 45 Besieger) to 4 (attacker)

Send G1 and G2 (200) with (1 Mounted Marksman) to 7 (blockers),
Send G3 (STF) with 1 wave (50 Mounted Swordsman, 105 Knight, 80 Besieger) to 8 (attacker)

Send G1 with (1 Mounted Marksman) to 11 (blocker),
Send G2 (VAR) with 1 wave (100 Mounted Swordsman, 20 Knight, 75 Armored Marksman) to 12 (attacker)

Send G1 and G2 (200) with (1 Mounted Marksman) to 15 (blockers),
Send G3 (STF) with 1 wave (96 Knight) and G4 (VAR) with 2 wave (15 Mounted Swordsman, 180 Armored Marksman) to 16 (attackers)

Send G1 and G2 (200) with (1 Mounted Marksman) to 19 (blockers),
Send G3 (OGG) with 1 wave (110 Mounted Swordsman, 185 Armored Marksman) to 20 (attacker)

Send G1 and G2 (200) with (1 Mounted Marksman) to 23 (blockers).
Send G3 (VAR) with 1 wave (41 Mounted Swordsman, 154 Armored Marksman) to 24 (attacker)

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