Spli City in Summer Player 2 – BRS + NUS + VAR + ANS (chelom)


  • 2x 6x
  • 669 Recruit [-669]
  • 259 Militia [-259]
  • 215 Bowman [-215]
  • 62 Soldier
  • 571 Elite Soldier
  • 194 Cavalry
  • 214 Crossbowman
  • 112 Cannoneer


Just 1 of the six normal generals:
Garrison Annex 3/3
Juggernaut 3/3
Overrun 3/3
Unstoppable Charge 3/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
Confident Leader 2/3
Master Planner 1/1
Rapid Fire 3/3
Juggernaut 2/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
1-Up 1/1
Juggernaut 3/3
Overrun 3/3
Battle Frenzy 3/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
Confident Leader 2/3
Lighting Slash 1/1
Juggernaut 2/3
Unstoppable Charge 3/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
Overrun 3/3
Battle Frenzy 3/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
Confident Leader 2/3
Master Planner 1/1

1 normal general with capacity of 215 is needed. I will refer to this general as blocking general during the guide:I recommend these abilities

I haven’t and probably wont see any blocks with bowman or longbowman. If theres one, remember not to use this general for that porpuse.

For the blocks, send the generals one after the other (in the order given). Always wait for the drums to be near the end to send the next, never rush to send generals (unless stated). For the blocks I add the duration of the battle, the marching time of the attacking general in the moment the battle starts, and the total time it takes for the block to finish. So you are free to simulate your own attacks. For the marching time i always add 3 extra flags (10 seconds).

Some liders have more losses than the ones from the attacks, thats because when performing the blocks extra casualties will happend. Be very carefull with the blocks, and read if you need to send an early wave (blocks in sector 1 and 3 need a wave prior to the block).

Garrison Camp Enemy Units Our Attacks
G1 1 102 Shadowsneaker, 74 Firedancer, 71 Sabrerattler, 60 Giant BLOCK
G1 2 321 Gunman, 61 Shadowsneaker, 8 Firedancer, 4 Giant BLOCK
G1 3 316 Shadowsneaker, 42 Firedancer, 17 Wolf Packleader, 9 Fox BLOCK
G1 4 199 Shadowsneaker, 131 Deckscrubber, 37 Firedancer, 14 Sabrerattler 1 wave (ANS) 60 Militia, 1 Elite Soldier, 104 Cannoneer [losses: 70R, 60M]
G2 5 373 Deckscrubber, 15 Sabrerattler, 7 Dark Priest, 2 Firedancer BLOCK
G2 6 334 Shadowsneaker, 21 Bear, 4 Wolf Packleader, 2 Fox BLOCK
G2 7 112 Sabrerattler, 98 Caltrop, 82 Shadowsneaker, 32 Wolf Packleader BLOCK
G2 8 131 Gunman, 102 Firedancer, 100 Sabrerattler, 27 Fox 1 wave (BRS) 50 Recruit
2 wave (VAR) 100 Recruit, 32 Militia, 1 Elite Soldier, 62 Cavalry [losses: 150R, 32M]
G3 9 261 Dark Priest, 65 Shadowsneaker, 38 Firedancer, 17 Fox 1 wave (NUS) 110 Bowman
2 wave (VAR) 7 Recruit, 1 Elite Soldier, 187 Cavalry [losses: 7R, 110B]
G3 10 143 Deckscrubber, 89 Firedancer, 28 Caltrop, 24 Gunman BLOCK
G3 11 187 Deckscrubber, 178 Gunman, 10 Fox, 7 Firedancer BLOCK
G3 12 159 Sabrerattler, 119 Caltrop, 11 Dark Priest, Giant Bear 1 wave (ANS) 52 Militia, 1 Elite Soldier, 112 Cannoneer [losses: 37R, 52M]
G4 13 384 Dark Priest, 6 Bear, 5 Firedancer, 4 Fox 1 wave (NUS) 105 Bowman
2 wave (VAR) 1 Recruit, 1 Elite soldier, 193 Cavalry [losses: 1R, 105B]
G4 14 71 Fox, 64 Caltrop, 62 Shadowsneaker, 57 Sabrerattler BLOCK
G4 15 214 Gunman, 141 Firedancer, 16 Sabrerattler, 4 Fox BLOCK
G4 16 167 Sabrerattler, 94 Gunman, 19 Firedancer, 2 Furious Boar 1 wave (CLO) 5 Recruit, 115 Militia, 1 Elite Soldier, 94 Cannoneer [losses: 5R, 115M]
G5 17 270 Sabrerattler, 121 Shadowsneaker, 4 Dark Priest BLOCK
G5 18 282 Deckscrubber, 68 Shadowsneaker, 26 Caltrop, 7 Bear BLOCK
G5 19 265 Scoundrel, 47 Shadowsneaker, 18 Wolf Packleader, 5 Fox BLOCK
G5 20 240 Shadowsneaker, 58 Fox, Dark High Priest 1 wave (ANS) 54 Recruit, 111 Cannoneer [losses: 54R]
G6 21 189 Sabrerattler, 54 Shadowsneaker, 35 Deckscrubber, 11 Caltrop BLOCK
G6 22 131 Shadowsneaker, 47 Wolf Packleader, 33 Sabrerattler, 32 Firedancer BLOCK
G6 23 146 Firedancer, 88 Dark Priest, 12 Deckscrubber, 4 Giant BLOCK
G6 24 156 Gunman, 121 Deckscrubber, 20 Fox, Dark High Priest 1 wave (ANS) 115 Recruit
2 wave (CLO) 1 Elite Soldier, 214 Crossbowman [losses: 160R]


See how to make blocks

More information can be found in the guide: How Make Blocks

Remember blocks you do on your own responsibility, there is always a risk that the block can fail.

Camp 1-4Camp 5-8Camp 10-12Camp 14-16Camp 17-20Camp 21-24

NOTE: for camp 1, a wave of 70 Recruits with a general (BGH, Medic, etc) should be sent before hand. Dont send a tavern general because all 6 would be used throughout the adventure.
From anywhere ((200) 70 Recruit) send general to camp 1, after the fight is finished.

From Ga (215 Elite Soldier) send Bloking General to camp 1, shortly after (120 secs of fighting time, 77 secs marching time, 91 secs total)
from Gb (155 Elite Soldier, 42 Cavalry) send General to camp 2, shortly after (120 secs of fighting time, 50 secs marching time, 64 secs total)
from Gc (200 Elite soldier) send General to camp 3, shortly after (80 secs of fighting time, 27 secs marching time, 41 secs total)
from W (1 wave (ANS) 60 Militia, 1 Elite Soldier, 104 Canonner) send Anslem to camp 4 (14 secs of fighting time)

From Gd (140 Elite Soldier) send General to camp 5, shortly after (160 secs of fighting time, 110 secs marching time, 141 secs total)
from Ge (135 Elite Soldier) send General to camp 6, shortly after (160 secs of fighting time, 84 secs marching time, 115 secs total)
from Gf (165 Elite Soldier) send General to camp 7, shortly after (120 secs fighting time, 54 secs marching time, 85 secs total)
from G1 (1 wave (BRS) 50 Recruit) and
from W (2 wave (VAR) 100 Recruit, 32 Militia, 1 Elite Soldier, 62 Cavalry) send Boris and Vargus to camp 8 (31 secs of fighting time)

I recommend sending Vargus and immediatly after send Boris, so boris end up in fron of vargus. But its not necesarry

NOTE: for camp 10, send wave of 37 Recruits with a (200) general or similar (BGH, Medic, etc) should be sent before hand. Dont send a tavern general because all 6 would be used throughout the adventure.

Risky block:

From anywhere ((200) 37 Recruit) send Ggeneral to camp 10, after the fight is finished.
from Gh (155 Elite Soldier, 20 Cavalry) send General to camp 11, shortly after (120 secs of fighting time, 43 secs marching time, 72 secs total)
from Gg (145 Elite Soldier, 51 Cavalry) send General to camp 10, shortly after (100 secs of fighting time, 67 secs marching time, 95 secs total)
from W (1 wave (ANS) 52 Militia, 1 Elite Soldier, 112 Canonner) send Anslem to camp 12 (28 secs of fighting time)

Send general in position Gh before the general in position Gg. (Gh wont get intercepted in his way to camp 11). You can send both generals immediatly after each other but its not necesarry. This block is tight because of the fight of general in position Gg.

From Gi (62 Soldier, 70 Elite soldier) send General to camp 14, shorly after (120 secs of fighting time, 77 secs marching time, 102 secs total)
from Gj2 (215 Elite Soldier) send Bloking General to camp 15, immediately after
from Gj1 (140 Recruit) send General to camp 15 (Gj1 should end up in front of Gj2), shortly after (100 secs fighting time, 50 secs marching time, 75 secs total)
from W (1 wave (CLO) 5 Recruit, 115 Militia, 1 Elite Soldier, 94 Canonner) send Cloaked General to camp 16 (25 secs of fighting time)

Be very careful with this block, theres not much time to retreat if something goes wrong.

From Gk (123 Elite Soldier, 5 Cavalry) send General to camp 17, wait a little after the drums (160 secs of fighting time, 120 secs marching time, 141 total)
from GL (124 Elite Soldier) send General to camp 18, shortly after (180 secs of fighting time, 84 secs marching time, 105 total)
from Gm2 (215 Elite Soldier) send Bloking General to camp 19, immediately after
from Gm1 (45 Recruit) send general to camp 19 (Gm1 should end up in front of Gm2), shortly after (100 secs fighting time, 40 secs marching time, 61 secs total)
from W (1 wave (ANS) 54 Recruit, 111 Canonner) send Anslem to camp 20 (21 secs of fighting time)

This block is somewhat risky, the fact that you need to send a lot of generals is the concern here, if you are simulating you own attacks and it end up being tight I recommend adding an extra 5 seconds of marching time to be in the safe side.

From Gn (93 Elite Soldier) send General to camp 21, shortly after (160 secs of fighting time, 90 secs of marching time, 107 secs total)
from Go (182 Elite Soldier) send General to camp 22, shortly after (100 secs of fighting time, 60 secs of marching time, 77 secs total)
from Gp2 (215 Elite Soldier) send Bloking General to camp 23, immediatly after
from Gp1 (45 Recruit) send General to camp 23 (Gp1 should end up in front of Gp2), shortly after (100 secs of fighting time, 30 secs of marching time, 47 secs total)
from W (2 wave (CLO) 1 Elite Soldier, 214 Crossbowman) send Cloacked General to camp 24 immediatly after
from G2 (1 wave (ANS) 115 Recruit) send Anslem to camp 24 (17 secs of fighting time)

If you dont know, its not possible to perform this block if the last sector of player 1 hasnt being cleared. Thats because both sectos are connected.

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