Ali Baba, The Young Wood Cutter – GHOST + OGG + YGG + STF + MCH + MAD + TB + ANS + VAR + BRS (magnum10)


  • 3x 2x 2x 2x 3x
  • 142 Recruit [-142]
  • 800 Mounted Swordsman [-444]
  • 760 Knight [-190]
  • 1.500 Mounted Marksman
  • 173 Armored Marksman
  • 186 Besieger


First Aid 3/3
Overrun 3/3
Unstoppable Charge 3/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
Master Planner 1/1
Juggernaut 3/3
Overrun 3/3
Unstoppable Charge 3/3
Battle Frenzy 3/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
Master Planner 1/1
Juggernaut 1/3
Overrun 3/3
Unstoppable Charge 3/3
Battle Frenzy 1/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
Master Planner 1/1
First Aid 2/3
Juggernaut 3/3
Overrun 3/3
Unstoppable Charge 3/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
Master Planner 1/1
First Aid 3/3
Juggernaut 3/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
1-Up 1/1
Garrison Annex 3/3
Master Planner 1/1
Juggernaut 3/3
Battle Frenzy 3/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
Weekly Maintenance 2/3
Master Planner 1/1
First Aid 3/3
Juggernaut 3/3
Overrun 3/3
Unstoppable Charge 3/3
Battle Frenzy 3/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
Master Planner 1/1
First Aid 3/3
Juggernaut 3/3
Overrun 3/3
Unstoppable Charge 3/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
Master Planner 1/1

A proposal for people who care about time and do not want putting blocks. We attack all camps from the landing zone, there is no need to transfer generals.
At the beginning of the adventure, immediately after landing, we only move the Ghost Generals – as close to the attacked camps as possible.
It takes about 30 minutes to complete the adventure (on obsidian horseshoes), including transporting the army.
To speed up the adventure, it is best to use Quartermaster Claus to transport units.

Camp numbers refer to the attached map and are not listed in sequence.

Attacking camp 3, the General destroys camp 2 on the way without losses.
Attacking camp 11, the General destroys camp 10 on the way without losses.

In reality losses are slightly smaller.

Garrison Camp Enemy Units Our Attacks
G1 1 180 Sword Wielder 1 wave (GHOST) 18 Mounted Swordsman, 212 Mounted Marksman [losses: 15MS]
G1 3 120 Horseman, 80 Desert Marksman, Shrewd Thief 1 wave (GHOST) 32 Mounted Swordsman, 198 Mounted Marksman [losses: 32MS]
G1 4 80 Sword Wielder, 80 Mounted Bowman 1 wave (GHOST) 230 Knight [losses: 90K]
G1 5 150 Sword Master 1 wave (MAD) 29 Mounted Swordsman, 186 Besieger [losses: 27MS]
G1 6 70 Horseman, 70 Sword Wielder, 50 Dune Marksman 1 wave (GHOST) 64 Mounted Swordsman, 166 Mounted Marksman [losses: 58MS]
G1 7 80 Horseman, 90 Dune Marksman, Greedy Thief 1 wave (OGG) 31 Mounted Swordsman, 264 Mounted Marksman [losses: 31MS]
G1 8 80 Mounted Bowman, 90 Sword Clasher 1 wave (GHOST) 230 Knight [losses: 45K]
G1 12 60 Sword Master, 60 Horseman 1 wave (TB) 42 Mounted Swordsman, 133 Armored Marksman [losses: 38MS]
G1 13 70 Mounted Bowman, 70 Desert Marksman 1 wave (OGG) 295 Knight [losses: 55K]
G1 14 90 Desert Marksman, 90 Horseman, Smart Thief 1 wave (MCH) 50 Mounted Swordsman, 165 Mounted Marksman [losses: 33MS]
G1 15 70 Sword Master, 60 Dune Marksman, 50 Horseman 1 wave (STF) 25 Mounted Swordsman, 210 Mounted Marksman [losses: 25MS]
G1 16 90 Sword Clasher, 80 Horseman, Treacherous Thief 1 wave (ANS) 22 Mounted Swordsman, 143 Mounted Marksman [losses: 22MS]
G1 9 70 Horseman, 70 Sword Wielder 1 wave (GHOST) 31 Mounted Swordsman, 199 Mounted Marksman [losses: 31MS]
G1 11 80 Horseman, 80 Dune Marksman, Mysterious Thief 1 wave (BRS) 24 Mounted Swordsman, 171 Mounted Marksman [losses: 13MS]
G1 17 90 Desert Marksman, 90 Mounted Bowman 1 wave (BRS) 195 Mounted Swordsman [losses: 52MS]
G1 18 180 Sword Wielder 1 wave (STF) 100 Mounted Swordsman, 135 Mounted Marksman [losses: 30MS]
G1 19 100 Desert Marksman, 100 Stone Cannon 1 wave (MCH) 215 Mounted Marksman [losses: 0]
G1 20 70 Sword Master, 40 Desert Marksman, 50 Sword Wielder 1 wave (VAR) 37 Mounted Swordsman, 40 Armored Marksman, 118 Mounted Marksman [losses: 37MS]
G1 21 80 Horseman, 80 Stone Cannon, Bandit Lord 1 wave (YGG) 142 Recruit
2 wave (BRS) 195 Mounted Marksman [losses: 142Re]

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