The Clever Little Tailor – General 270 + Nusala with Cannoners


  • 2x 20x
  • 3.482 Recruit [-3.482]
  • 949 Militia [-949]
  • 448 Cavalry [-448]
  • 2.210 Bowman [-2.210]
  • 750 Longbowman [-750]
  • 192 Crossbowman
  • 1 Elite Soldier
  • 182 Cannoneer
  • 2x 4x 12x
  • 1.902 Recruit [-1.902]
  • 633 Militia [-633]
  • 441 Cavalry [-338]
  • 1.750 Bowman [-1.750]
  • 610 Longbowman [-610]
  • 192 Crossbowman
  • 60 Soldier [-60]
  • 348 Elite Soldier
  • 216 Cannoneer

Garrison Camp Enemy Units Our Attacks
G1 1 100 Roughneck, 100 Ranger 1 wave (NUS) 80 Recruit, 85 Cannoneer [losses: 80R]
G1 2 200 Ranger 1 wave (270) 270 Cavalry [losses: 0]
G1 3 110 Roughneck, 90 Ranger 1 wave (NUS) 86 Recruit, 1 Elite Soldier, 78 Cannoneer [losses: 86R]
G1 4 89 Roughneck, 110 Ranger, Chuck 1 wave (200) 200 Longbowman
2 wave (NUS) 60 Recruit, 20 Cavalry, 1 Elite Soldier, 84 Cannoneer [losses: 200LB, 60R]
G2 5 130 Roughneck, 70 Ranger 1 wave (270) 136 Recruit, 1 Elite Soldier, 95 Cavalry, 38 Cannoneer [losses: 136R]
G2 6 80 Guard Dog, 120 Ranger 1 wave (NUS) 165 Recruit [losses: 66R]
G2 7 100 Guard Dog, 100 Roughneck 1 wave (270) 100 Recruit, 170 Cannoneer [losses: 100R]
G2 8 150 Roughneck, 50 Ranger 1 wave (270) 77 Militia, 1 Elite Soldier, 70 Cavalry, 122 Cannoneer [losses: 77M]
G2 9 110 Roughneck, 90 Ranger 1 wave (NUS) 89 Recruit, 76 Cannoneer [losses: 89R]
G2 10 99 Roughneck, 100 Ranger, Iron Fist 1 wave (NUS) 68 Militia, 1 Elite Soldier, 96 Cannoneer [losses: 68M]
G3 11 80 Boar, 60 Wolf 1 wave (270) 135 Recruit, 1 Elite Soldier, 134 Cannoneer [losses: 135R]
G3 12 90 Boar, 50 Fox 1 wave (270) 133 Recruit, 1 Elite Soldier, 136 Cannoneer [losses: 133R]
G3 13 50 Bear, 40 Wolf Packleader 1 wave (270) 149 Recruit, 60 Militia, 1 Elite Soldier, 60 Cannoneer [losses: 149R, 60M]
G3 14 110 Boar, 30 Wolf Packleader 1 wave (270) 56 Recruit, 108 Militia, 1 Elite Soldier, 105 Cannoneer [losses: 56R, 108M]
G3 15 110 Bear 1 wave (200) 200 Bowman
2 wave (270) 143 Recruit, 127 Cannoneer [losses: 143R, 200B]
G3 16 80 Bear, 40 Fox, 30 Giant 1 wave (200) 75 Bowman, 125 Longbowman
2 wave (270) 50 Militia, 40 Bowman, 180 Crossbowman [losses: 115B, 125LB, 50M]
G4 17 150 Fox 1 wave (270) 187 Recruit, 1 Elite Soldier, 82 Cannoneer [losses: 187R]
G4 18 80 Wolf Packleader, 60 Fox 1 wave (200) 200 Recruit
2 wave (270) 128 Recruit, 142 Cannoneer [losses: 328R]
G4 19 50 Boar, 130 Bear 1 wave (200) 200 Bowman
2 wave (200) 200 Bowman
3 wave (270) 166 Recruit, 104 Cannoneer [losses: 166R, 400B]
G4 20 90 Bear, 50 Fox, 40 Giant 1 wave (NUS) 50 Bowman, 115 Longbowman
2 wave (270) 78 Militia, 192 Crossbowman [losses: 50B, 115LB, 78M]
G5 21 80 Boar, 40 Bear, 60 Wolf Packleader 1 wave (200) 200 Bowman
2 wave (200) 200 Recruit
3 wave (270) 138 Militia, 1 Elite Soldier, 71 Cavalry, 60 Cannoneer [losses: 200R, 200B, 138M]
G5 22 110 Wolf, 70 Wolf Packleader 1 wave (200) 200 Bowman
2 wave (270) 34 Recruit, 236 Cavalry [losses: 34R, 200B]
G5 23 110 Bear, 70 Wolf 1 wave (200) 200 Bowman
2 wave (200) 180 Recruit
3 wave (270) 144 Recruit, 126 Cannoneer [losses: 200B, 324R]
G5 24 70 Bear, 110 Fox, 20 Giant 1 wave (200) 200 Cavalry
2 wave (200) 90 Bowman, 110 Longbowman
3 wave (270) 175 Recruit, 1 Elite Soldier, 94 Cannoneer [losses: 90B, 110LB, 200C, 175R]
G6 25 90 Bear, 70 Wolf Packleader 1 wave (200) 200 Bowman
2 wave (200) 190 Bowman
3 wave (270) 168 Recruit, 102 Cavalry [losses: 168R, 390B]
G6 26 110 Bear, 69 Giant, Giant Bear 1 wave (200) 200 Bowman
2 wave (200) 200 Longbowman
3 wave (270) 77 Recruit, 1 Elite Soldier, 192 Crossbowman [losses: 200B, 200LB, 77R]
G7 27 100 Guard Dog, 120 Roughneck 1 wave (270) 111 Recruit, 1 Elite Soldier, 158 Cannoneer [losses: 111R]
G7 28 220 Roughneck 1 wave (270) 131 Militia, 139 Cannoneer [losses: 131M]
G7 29 180 Roughneck, 100 Ranger, Metal Toothed 1 wave (200) 138 Cavalry
2 wave (270) 151 Militia, 1 Elite Soldier, 118 Cannoneer [losses: 151M, 138C]
G8 30 60 Guard Dog, 100 Roughneck, 80 Ranger 1 wave (200) 72 Recruit
2 wave (NUS) 79 Recruit, 1 Elite Soldier, 85 Cannoneer [losses: 151R]
G8 31 190 Guard Dog, 70 Roughneck 1 wave (NUS) 93 Recruit, 1 Elite Soldier, 71 Cannoneer [losses: 93R]
G8 32 200 Roughneck, 80 Ranger 1 wave (200) 90 Recruit, 110 Cavalry
2 wave (270) 145 Recruit, 125 Cannoneer [losses: 235R, 110C]
G8 33 80 Guard Dog, 200 Roughneck, Rival Dressmaker 1 wave (NUS) 165 Bowman
2 wave (270) 88 Militia, 182 Cannoneer [losses: 165B, 88M]


See how to make blocks

More information can be found in the guide: How Make Blocks

Remember blocks you do on your own responsibility, there is always a risk that the block can fail.

Camp 3Camp 8 and 9Camp 14 and 15Camp 18 and 19Camp 23Camp 28Camp 31 and 32

From Ga (59 Elite Soldier + 134 Cavalry) send General to camp 3, shortly after
from W (1 wave (270) 60 Soldier, 1 Elite Soldier, 115 Cavalry, 94 Crossbowman) send Major to camp 4.

From Gb (123 Elite Soldier + 45 Cavalry) send General to camp 8, shortly after
from Gc (65 Elite Soldier + 120 Cavalry) send General to camp 9, shortly after
from W (1 wave (NUS) 68 Militia, 1 Elite Soldier, 96 Cannoneer) send Nusala to camp 10.

From Gd (144 Elite Soldier + 56 Cavalry) send General to camp 14, shortly after
from Ge (170 Elite Soldier + 30 Militia) send General to camp 15, shortly after
from G3 (1 wave (200) 75 Bowman, 125 Longbowman) and
from W (2 wave (270) 50 Militia, 40 Bowman, 180 Crossbowman) send General and Major to camp 16.

From Gf (140 Bowman, 60 Longbowman) send General to camp 19. After losing the fight
from Gg (150 Elite Soldier + 20 Cavalry) send General to camp 18, shortly after
from Gh (198 Elite Soldier + 1 Cannoneer) send General to camp 19, shortly after
from G4 (1 wave (NUS) 50 Bowman, 115 Longbowman) and
from W (2 wave (270) 78 Militia, 192 Crossbowman) send Generals to camp 20.

From Gi (200 Bowman) send General to camp 23. After losing the fight
from Gj (If there are 63-62 Bear then 174 Elite Soldier, if there are 61-60 Bear, then 170 Elite Soldier) send General to camp 23, shortly after
from G5.1 (1 wave (200) 200 Cavalry),
from G5.2 (2 wave (200) 90 Bowman, 110 Longbowman) and
from W (3 wave (270) 175 Recruit, 1 Elite Soldier, 94 Cannoneer) send Generals and Major to camp 24

From Gk (189 Elite Soldier + 7 Cavalry) send General to camp 28, shortly after
from G7 (1 wave (200) 138 Cavalry) and
from W (2 wave (270) 151 Militia, 1 Elite Soldier, 118 Cannoneer) send General and Major to camp 29.

From Gl (113 Elite Soldier + 7 Cannoneer) send General to camp 31, shortly after
from Gm (134 Elite Soldier + 39 Cavalry + 27 Cannoneer) send General to camp 32, shortly after
from G8 (1 wave (NUS) 165 Bowman) and
from W (2 wave (270) 88 Militia, 182 Cannoneer) send Nusala and Major to camp 33.
There is a risk that Gl may loose.