The Heroic Little Tailor – General 270 + MMA + Nusala + Vargus + Anslem with Cannoneers


  • 2x 2x 15x
  • 1.746 Recruit [-1.746]
  • 1.437 Militia [-1.437]
  • 270 Cavalry
  • 2.503 Bowman [-2.503]
  • 1.050 Longbowman [-1.050]
  • 237 Crossbowman
  • 1 Elite Soldier
  • 200 Cannoneer
  • 2x 2x 3x 10x
  • 1.844 Recruit [-1.844]
  • 1.022 Militia [-1.022]
  • 270 Cavalry
  • 2.103 Bowman [-2.103]
  • 850 Longbowman [-850]
  • 237 Crossbowman
  • 215 Elite Soldier
  • 200 Cannoneer

Attacking camp 11, send General to camp 13 (General will be intercepted by camp 11). After winning the fight withdraw General.
Attacking camp 31, send General to camp 32 (General will be intercepted by camp 31). After winning the fight withdraw General.

Garrison Camp Enemy Units Our Attacks
G1 1 100 Boar, 50 Wolf 1 wave (270) 145 Recruit, 1 Elite Soldier, 124 Cannoneer [losses: 145R]
G1 2 40 Boar, 100 Fox 1 wave (ANS) 47 Recruit, 103 Cannoneer [losses: 47R]
G1 3 50 Boar, 50 Wolf, 50 Fox 1 wave (270) 122 Militia, 148 Cannoneer [losses: 122M]
G1 4 120 Bear, 50 Fox 1 wave (VAR) 30 Recruit, 150 Bowman
2 wave (270) 164 Militia, 106 Cannoneer [losses: 30R, 150B, 164M]
G2 5 100 Boar, 30 Bear 1 wave (270) 137 Militia, 133 Cannoneer [losses: 137M]
G2 6 75 Wolf, 75 Wolf Packleader 1 wave (200) 200 Bowman
2 wave (270) 270 Cavalry [losses: 200B]
G2 7 50 Boar, 100 Wolf Packleader, Black Bull 1 wave (NUS) 165 Bowman
2 wave (270) 70 Recruit, 200 Cannoneer [losses: 70R, 165B]
G3 8 100 Bear, 50 Wolf, 30 Fox 1 wave (200) 60 Bowman, 140 Longbowman
2 wave (270) 140 Militia, 130 Cannoneer [losses: 60B, 140LB, 140M]
G3 9 200 Boar 1 wave (200) 200 Bowman
2 wave (270) 128 Recruit, 1 Elite Soldier, 141 Cannoneer [losses: 200B, 128R]
G3 10 100 Bear, 80 Wolf 1 wave (200) 200 Longbowman
2 wave (270) 134 Militia, 136 Cannoneer [losses: 200LB, 134M]
G3 11 70 Bear, 80 Wolf Packleader, 40 Fox 1 wave (200) 200 Longbowman
2 wave (200) 200 Recruit
3 wave (270) 149 Militia, 1 Elite Soldier, 120 Cannoneer [losses: 200R, 200LB, 149M]
G3 12 80 Bear, 80 Giant 1 wave (200) 200 Bowman
2 wave (270) 73 Militia, 1 Elite Soldier, 196 Crossbowman [losses: 200B, 73M]
G3 13 40 Boar, 60 Fox, 80 Giant 1 wave (200) 200 Bowman
2 wave (270) 35 Recruit, 50 Bowman, 1 Elite Soldier, 184 Crossbowman [losses: 250B, 35R]
G4 14 100 Bear, 90 Fox 1 wave (200) 90 Bowman, 110 Longbowman
2 wave (270) 176 Militia, 94 Cannoneer [losses: 90B, 110LB, 176M]
G4 15 50 Boar, 70 Wolf 1 wave (270) 101 Recruit, 1 Elite Soldier, 80 Cavalry, 88 Cannoneer [losses: 101R]
G4 16 60 Boar, 140 Wolf Packleader 1 wave (200) 200 Bowman
2 wave (200) 200 Bowman
3 wave (MMA) 220 Cavalry [losses: 400B]
G4 17 70 Bear, 100 Fox 1 wave (200) 200 Bowman
2 wave (ANS) 71 Militia, 79 Cannoneer [losses: 200B, 71M]
G4 18 100 Bear, 50 Fox, 50 Giant 1 wave (200) 200 Longbowman
2 wave (200) 200 Bowman
3 wave (270) 84 Recruit, 50 Bowman, 1 Elite Soldier, 135 Crossbowman
[losses: 250B, 200LB, 84R]
G5 19 60 Cultist, 50 Shadowsneaker, 80 Fanatic 1 wave (ANS) 60 Recruit, 90 Cannoneer [losses: 60R]
G5 20 120 Bear, 50 Wolf 1 wave (200) 200 Longbowman
2 wave (270) 137 Militia, 133 Cannoneer [losses: 200LB, 137M]
G5 21 40 Cultist, 160 Dancing Dervish 1 wave (270) 40 Bowman, 230 Crossbowman [losses: 40B]
G5 22 60 Cultist, 90 Shadowsneaker, Swamp Witch 1 wave (ANS) 40 Recruit, 110 Cannoneer [losses: 40R]
G5 23 70 Cultist, 80 Firedancer, Night Spawn 1 wave (NUS) 165 Bowman
2 wave (270) 74 Recruit, 196 Cannoneer [losses: 165B, 74R]
G6 24 100 Shadowsneaker, 70 Firedancer 1 wave (VAR) 44 Recruit, 1 Elite Soldier, 135 Cavalry [losses: 44R]
G6 25 100 Cultist, 100 Dancing Dervish 1 wave (270) 50 Recruit, 220 Crossbowman [losses: 50R]
G6 26 40 Shadowsneaker, 80 Fanatic, 80 Firedancer 1 wave (VAR) 117 Recruit, 63 Cavalry [losses: 117R]
G6 27 80 Cultist, 80 Firedancer, Dark High Priest 1 wave (270) 170 Recruit, 100 Crossbowman [losses: 170R]
G7 28 100 Cultist, 100 Firedancer 1 wave (270) 50 Recruit, 100 Bowman, 120 Crossbowman [losses: 50R, 100B]
G7 29 80 Cultist, 40 Shadowsneaker, 80 Dark Priest 1 wave (MMA) 111 Recruit, 1 Elite Soldier, 108 Cannoneer [losses: 111R]
G7 30 150 Dark Priest 1 wave (270) 70 Recruit, 200 Cavalry [losses: 70R]
G7 31 90 Shadowsneaker, 80 Dancing Dervish 1 wave (270) 33 Bowman, 237 Crossbowman [losses: 33B]
G7 32 60 Cultist, 60 Fanatic, Swamp Witch, Dark Wizard 1 wave (ANS) 120 Recruit
2 wave (270) 134 Militia, 1 Elite Soldier, 135 Cannoneer [losses: 120R, 134M]


See how to make blocks

More information can be found in the guide: How Make Blocks

Remember blocks you do on your own responsibility, there is always a risk that the block can fail.

Camp 2 i 3Camp 11 i 12Camp 17

From Ga (95 Bowman + 105 Elite Soldier) send General to camp 2, shortly after
from Gb (10 Recruit + 1 Bowman + 72 Cavalry + 110 Elite Soldier) send General to camp 3, shortly after
from G1 (1 wave (VAR) 30 Recruit, 150 Bowman) and
from W (2 wave (270) 164 Militia, 106 Cannoneer) send Vargus and Major to camp 4.
There is a small risk that General Ga may lose the fight.

From Gc (200 Recruit) send General to camp 12. After losing the fight
from Gd (1 Recruit) send General to camp 13 (General will be intercepted by camp 11), shortly after
from Ge (200 Elite Soldier) send General to camp 12, shortly after
from G3 (1 wave (200) 200 Bowman) and
from W (2 wave (270) 35 Recruit, 50 Bowman, 1 Elite Soldier, 184 Crossbowman) send General and Major to camp 13.
Pay attention if Generals are passing by block at camp 11 safely.

From Gf (145 Recruit) send General to camp 17. After losing the fight
from Gg (197 Elite Soldier + 3 Recruit) send General to camp 17, shortly after
from G4.1 (1 wave (200) 200 Longbowman),
from G4.2 (2 wave (200) 200 Bowman) and
from W (3 wave (270) 84 Recruit, 50 Bowman, 1 Elite Soldier, 135 Crossbowman) send Generals and Major to camp 18.