Bandit Nest – General Boris with Cannoneers


  • 2x
  • 624 Recruit [-624]
  • 264 Militia [-264]
  • 170 Cavalry [-170]
  • 100 Crossbowman
  • 1 Elite Soldier
  • 121 Cannoneer
  • 2x 2x
  • 219 Recruit [-219]
  • 144 Militia [-144]
  • 196 Cavalry [-170]
  • 100 Crossbowman
  • 181 Elite Soldier
  • 121 Cannoneer

Attacking camp 4, we send General to camp 5 (General will be intercepted by the camp 4). After winning the fight withdraw the General.

Garrison Camp Enemy Units Our Attacks
G1 1 100 Scavenger, 100 Ranger 1 wave (BRS) 40 Recruit, 140 Cavalry [losses: 40R]
G1 2 100 Scavenger, 50 Ranger, 50 Guard Dog 1 wave (BRS) 59 Recruit, 121 Cannoneer [losses: 59R]
G1 3 100 Thug, 50 Ranger, 50 Guard Dog 1 wave (BRS) 91 Recruit, 89 Cannoneer [losses: 91R]
G1 4 200 Thug 1 wave (BRS) 120 Militia, 60 Cannoneer [losses: 120M]
G1 5 100 Thug, 100 Ranger, One-Eyed Bert 1 wave (BRS) 65 Militia, 1 Elite Soldier, 30 Cavalry, 84 Crossbowman [losses: 65M]
G2 6 80 Thug, 20 Ranger, 100 Guard Dog 1 wave (BRS) 77 Recruit, 103 Cannoneer [losses: 77R]
G2 7 150 Thug, 50 Ranger 1 wave (BRS) 154 Recruit, 26 Cannoneer [losses: 154R]
G2 8 60 Roughneck, 80 Ranger, 50 Guard Dog, Metal Toothed 1 wave (200) 50 Cavalry
2 wave (BRS) 120 Recruit, 1 Elite Soldier, 10 Cavalry, 49 Crossbowman [losses: 120R, 50C]
G3 9 90 Roughneck, 100 Guard Dog 1 wave (BRS) 83 Recruit, 97 Cannoneer [losses: 83R]
G3 10 100 Roughneck, 50 Ranger, 50 Guard Dog, Chuck 1 wave (200) 120 Cavalry
2 wave (BRS) 79 Militia, 1 Elite Soldier, 100 Crossbowman [losses: 120C, 79M]


See how to make blocks

More information can be found in the guide: How Make Blocks

Remember blocks you do on your own responsibility, there is always a risk that the block can fail.

Camp 3 and 4Camp 6 and 7Camp 9

From Ga (60 Elite Soldier, 100 Cavalry) send General to camp 3, shortly after
from Gb (120 Elite Soldier, 60 Cavalry) send General to camp 5 (General will be intercepted by the camp 4), shortly after
from W (1 wave (BRS) 65 Militia, 1 Elite Soldier, 30 Cavalry, 84 Crossbowman) send Boris to camp 5.

From Gc (103 Elite Soldier, 1 Cavalry) send General to camp 6, shortly after
from Gd (65 Elite Soldier, 135 Cavalry) send General to camp 7, shortly after
from G2 (1 wave (200) 50 Cavalry) and
from W (2 wave (BRS) 120 Recruit, 1 Elite Soldier, 10 Cavalry, 49 Crossbowman) send Generals to camp 8.

From Ge (100 Elite Soldier, 20 Cavalry) send General to camp 9, shortly after
from G3 (1 wave (200) 120 Cavalry) and
from W (2 wave (BRS) 79 Militia, 1 Elite Soldier, 100 Crossbowman) send Generals to camp 10.