Bandit Nest – General Boris with Crossbowmen


  • 2x
  • 660 Recruit [-660]
  • 271 Militia [-271]
  • 170 Cavalry [-170]
  • 100 Crossbowman
  • 121 Soldier
  • 2x 2x
  • 219 Recruit [-219]
  • 144 Militia [-144]
  • 190 Cavalry [-170]
  • 100 Crossbowman
  • 201 Soldier

Attacking camp 4, we send General to camp 5 (General will be intercepted by the camp 4). After winning the fight withdraw the General.

Garrison Camp Enemy Units Our Attacks
G1 1 100 Scavenger, 100 Ranger 1 wave (BRS) 40 Recruit, 140 Cavalry [losses: 40R]
G1 2 100 Scavenger, 50 Ranger, 50 Guard Dog 1 wave (BRS) 59 Recruit, 121 Soldier [losses: 59R]
G1 3 100 Thug, 50 Ranger, 50 Guard Dog 1 wave (BRS) 98 Recruit, 82 Soldier [losses: 98R]
G1 4 200 Thug 1 wave (BRS) 127 Militia, 1 Soldier, 52 Crossbowman [losses: 127M]
G1 5 100 Thug, 100 Ranger, One-Eyed Bert 1 wave (BRS) 65 Militia, 1 Soldier, 30 Cavalry, 84 Crossbowman [losses: 65M]
G2 6 80 Thug, 20 Ranger, 100 Guard Dog 1 wave (BRS) 75 Recruit, 105 Soldier [losses: 75R]
G2 7 150 Thug, 50 Ranger 1 wave (BRS) 165 Recruit, 1 Soldier, 14 Crossbowman [losses: 165R]
G2 8 60 Roughneck, 80 Ranger, 50 Guard Dog, Metal Toothed 1 wave (200) 50 Cavalry
2 wave (BRS) 120 Recruit, 1 Soldier, 10 Cavalry, 49 Crossbowman [losses: 120R, 50C]
G3 9 90 Roughneck, 100 Guard Dog 1 wave (BRS) 103 Recruit, 77 Soldier [losses: 103R]
G3 10 100 Roughneck, 50 Ranger, 50 Guard Dog, Chuck 1 wave (200) 120 Cavalry
2 wave (BRS) 79 Militia, 1 Soldier, 100 Crossbowman [losses: 120C, 79M]


See how to make blocks

More information can be found in the guide: How Make Blocks

Remember blocks you do on your own responsibility, there is always a risk that the block can fail.

Camp 3 and 4Camp 6 and 7Camp 9

From Ga (68 Soldier, 100 Cavalry) send General to camp 3, shortly after
from Gb (132 Soldier, 60 Cavalry) send General to camp 5 (General will be intercepted by the camp 4), shortly after
from W (1 wave (BRS) 65 Militia, 1 Soldier, 30 Cavalry, 84 Crossbowman) send Boris to camp 5.

From Gc (114 Soldier, 3 Cavalry) send General to camp 6, shortly after
from Gd (75 Soldier, 125 Cavalry) send General to camp 7, shortly after
from G2 (1 wave (200) 50 Cavalry) and
from W (2 wave (BRS) 120 Recruit, 1 Soldier, 10 Cavalry, 49 Crossbowman) send Generals to camp 8.

From Ge (110 Soldier, 20 Cavalry) send General to camp 9, shortly after
from G3 (1 wave (200) 120 Cavalry) and
from W (2 wave (BRS) 79 Militia, 1 Soldier, 100 Crossbowman) send Generals to camp 10.