Bandit Nest – GHOST (Pukerr)


  • 4x
  • 920 Soldier [-324]


First Aid 3/3
Overrun 3/3
Unstoppable Charge 3/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
Master Planner 1/1

I used 4 GHOSTS, each general with 230 soldiers. We send attacks from the landing zone at the appropriate moments visible in the gameplay, and then the adventure makes itself. We finish the adventure after about 10-11 minutes from opening – I used the Black Vortex buffs.

Garrison Camp Enemy Units Our Attacks
G1 1 100 Thug, 50 Ranger, 50 Guard Dog 1 wave (GHOST) 230 Soldier [losses: 84S]
G1 2 60 Roughneck, 80 Ranger, 50 Guard Dog, Metaltooth 1 wave (GHOST) 230 Soldier [losses: 96S]
G1 3 100 Thug, 100 Ranger, One-eyed Bert 1 wave (GHOST) 230 Soldier [losses: 79S]
G1 4 100 Roughneck, 50 Ranger, 50 Guard Dog, Chuck 1 wave (GHOST) 230 Soldier [losses: 65S]

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