Bandit Nest – YGG (Cetane)


  • 7x
  • 8 Recruit
  • 1x Rain Of Twig Arrows


First Aid 3/3
Juggernaut 3/3
Overrun 3/3
1-Up 1/1

From landing: To Increase the speed at which the adventure can be completed use multiple YGG. There are 7 landing spots. Send to camps numbered on the map. All other camps will be cleared along the path. In lieu of Rain of Twig Arrows YGG 80r can be substituted. Primary purpose for completing this adventure is the 5% chance to receive the adventure “Return to Bandit’s Nest” which offer codex, tome or manuscript as reward. Happy Grinding!

Garrison Camp Enemy Units Our Attacks
G1 1 80 Ranger, 60 Roughneck, 50 Guard Dog, Metal Toothed 1 wave (YGG) 1 Recruit
2 wave (YGG) 1 Recruit
3 wave (YGG) 1 Recruit
4 wave (YGG) 1 Recruit [losses: 0]
G1 8 100 Thug, 100 Ranger, One-Eyed Bert 1 wave (YGG) 1 Recruit
2 wave (YGG) 1 Recruit
3 wave (YGG) 1 Recruit
4 wave (YGG) 1 Recruit
5 wave (YGG) 1 Recruit [losses: 0]
G1 5 50 Ranger, 100 Roughneck, 50 Guard Dog, Chuck 1 wave (YGG) 1 Recruit
2 wave (YGG) 1 Recruit
3 wave (YGG) 1 Recruit
4 wave Rain of Twig Arrows [losses: 0]

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