Bastille Island – BRS + NUS + YGG (Droidhak)


  • 2x
  • 91 Recruit [-75]
  • 60 Militia
  • 20 Elite Soldier
  • 195 Crossbowman
  • 80 Cannoneer


Juggernaut 3/3
Overrun 3/3
Unstoppable Charge 3/3
Battle Frenzy 1/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
Master Planner 1/1
Rapid Fire 3/3
Overrun 3/3
Unstoppable Charge 3/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
Master Planner 1/1
First Aid 3/3
Juggernaut 3/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
1-Up 1/1

This is a fast, easy version.

Load up the generals:
BOR 195xb
NUS 20r 60m 20e 80k
YGG 1r
YGG 70r
Upon landing, relocate to facilitate shortest travel times for each arm

If player only has one YGG (with 1-up), attack camps 1 & 2 first then camps 5 & 6
Ideally, you want to send the first wave in this order: 1, 7, 5, 3
The YGGs will take a long time to win their battles and Nus may get intercepted by Camp 1

Garrison Camp Enemy Units Our Attacks
G1 1 50 Nomad, 80 Lance Rider 1 wave (YGG) 1 Recruit [losses: 0]
G1 7 80 Shadowsneaker, 50 Fanatic 1 wave (YGG) 1 Recruit [losses: 0]
G1 5 40 Jomsviking, 50 Valkyrie 1 wave (BRS) 195 Crossbowman [losses: 0]
G1 3 80 Caltrop, 50 Deckscrubber 1 wave (NUS) 20 Recruit, 60 Militia, 20 Elite Soldier, 80 Cannoneer [losses: 18R]
G1 2 40 Lance Rider, 50 Cataphract, Uproarious Bull 1 wave (YGG) 50 Recruit [losses: 50R]
G1 6 30 Jomsviking, 30 Karl, 40 Berserk 1 wave (BRS) 195 Crossbowman [losses: 0]
G1 8 40 Shadowsneaker, 50 Dancing Dervish, Swamp Witch 1 wave (YGG) 1 Recruit
2 wave (YGG) 1 Recruit [losses: 0]
G1 4 40 Sabrerattler, 50 Gunman, Crazy Cook 1 wave (NUS) 20 Recruit, 60 Militia, 20 Elite Soldier, 80 Cannoneer [losses: 7R]

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