Roaring Bull – General 270 + MMA + Nusala + Vargus + Anslem with Cannoneers (event quick loot – Mikroclimat)

Execution time of adventure: 1h
Training time of units: Barracks 6lvl: 5h 15min
A guide written like this, to every 1h get rewards from adventure. For the adventure series we need 2 compositions:

  • 4x 3x
  • 660 Recruit [-630]
  • 137 Cavalry
  • 137 Crossbowman
  • 160 Elite Soldier
  • 245 Cannoneer

  • 200N (normal general)
  • 660 Recruit [-630]
  • 137 Cavalry
  • 137 Crossbowman
  • 160 Elite Soldier
  • 245 Cannoneer

  • 200N (normal general)

Point 1. On adventure we send: Vargus, Major, MMA, 3x200N, Quartermaster with troops: 660 Recruit, 137 Cavalry, 160 Elite Soldier, 137 Crossbowman, 245 Cannoneer.
Pkt. 2. After 15 min, when they come back from a previous adventure we send: Nusala, Anslem and 3x MMA. On adventure we have about 14 min to camps 1-3, in G1a.
Point. 3. Vargus after 2 attacks we send back.
Point 4. When arrives Nusala, Anslem, 3xMMA and 3×200, we attack camp 4, 5, 6, in G2a.
Point 5. On the island we can pack: Vargus, Major, MMA, 3×200, Quartermaster: 660 Recruit, 137 Cavalry, 160 Elite Soldier, 137 Crossbowman, 245 Cannoneer.
Point 6. We end the adventure and return to the point 1.

Invitations we will send after we send the block on the tower 6 in G1 we have about 25-30 min to the end of the adventure.

Zone G1aZone G1bZone G2Zone G3
warning: we set up generals just like on the map, the quartermaster blocks the landing places of rest generals. After the attacks 1 and 2 we send Vargus on the island.

Garrison Camp Units in Camp Our Units
1 1 80 Nomad, 50 Lance Rider, 70 Riding Bowman (VAR) 99 Recruit, 1 Elie Soldier, 80 Cannoneer [losses: 95R]
warning: we attack the camp 2, Vargus will change the target. After winning the fight we will withdraw Vargus.
2 2 80 Nomad, 40 Lance Rider, 80 Riding Bowman (VAR) 99 Recruit, 1 Elite Soldier, 80 Cannoneer [losses: 95R]

3 90 Nomad, 60 Lance Rider, 50 Cataphract 1 wave (MMA) 1 Recruit
2 wave (270) 104 Recruit, 1 Elite Soldier, 165 Cannoneer [losses: 99R]
warning: Major must follow MMA

Garrison Camp Units in Camp Our Units
4 40 Cultist, 60 Dark Priest, 100 Firedancer 1 wave (MMA) 1 Recruit
2 wave (MMA) 1 Recruit
3 wave (NUS) 72 Recruit, 92 Cavalry, 1 Elite Soldier [losses: 65R]
warning: we attack the tower 6, the generals will change the target. Nusala must follow MMA. After winning the fight we will withdraw Nusala.
When Nusala will be on a place marked a blue circle, we can send a block:
5 5 100 Cultist, 40 Shadowsneaker, 60 Firedancer (200N) 1 Recruit [losses: 1R]
warning: we attack the tower 6, the general will change the target.
6 80 Cultist, 50 Shadowsneaker, 70 Firedancer, Dark High Priest 1 wave (270) 126 Recruit, 5 Cavalry, 1 Elite Soldier, 137 Crossbowman, 1 Cannoneer
2 wave (MMA) 1 Recruit [losses:126R]
warning: MMA must go before Major.


from garrison 5 send General to camp 6,
from garrison 6a send Major to camp 6,
from garrison 6b send MMA to camp 6.

Garrison Camp Units in Camp Our Units
7 7 100 Cultist, 20 Dark Priest, 80 Shadowsneaker (200N) 10 Cavalry, 85 Elite Soldier [losses: 0]
8 8 70 Cultist, 50 Shadowsneaker, 80 Firedancer (200N) 127 Cavalry, 73 Elite Soldier [losses: 0]
9 9 80 Cultist, 120 Firedancer (NUS) 127 Recruit, 38 Crossbowman [losses: 127R]


From garrison 7 send General to camp 7,
from garrison 8 send General to camp 8,
from garrison 9 send Nusala to camp 9.

Garrison Camp Units in Camp Our Units
10 110 Nomad, 50 Cataphract, 40 Riding Amazonian Guard 1 wave (200N) 1 Recruit
2 wave (200N) 1 Recruit [losses: 2R]
11 70 Nomad, 100 Lance Rider, 30 Cataphract, Uproarious Bull 1 wave (ANS) 55 Recruit, 1 Elite SOldier, 94 Cannoneer
2 wave (NUS) 1 Recruit [losses: 55R]
uwaga: Nusala must go before Anslem.


From garrison 10a send General to camp 10,
from garrison 10b send General to camp 10,
from garrison 11a send Anslem to camp 11,
from garrison 11b send Nusala to camp 11.