Victor The Vicious – BRS + ANS + MMA (SirRobyn)


  • 2x
  • 421 Recruit [-421]
  • 466 Militia [-461]
  • 40 Bowman [-36]
  • 187 Cavalry [-120]
  • 185 Soldier
  • 20 Elite Soldier
  • 80 Crossbowman
  • 100 Cannoneer

This is the version of Victor the Vicious to obtain 4 achievements tasks.
After completing the adventure, the system will successfully pass all 4 tasks.
Although the Soldiers cannot be used in one of the quests, the Soldiers have been used to block in the adventure, but this will not cause you to fail.

Garrison Camp Enemy Units Our Attacks
G1 1 50 Thug, 50 Guard Dog, 50 Ranger 1 wave (BRS) 160 Recruit, 20 Cannoneer [losses: 38R]
G1 2 150 Ranger, 50 Roughneck 1 wave (BRS) 40 Recruit, 140 Cavalry [losses: 27R]
G1 3 50 Guard Dog, 100 Roughneck BLOCK
G1 4 50 Ranger, 60 Guard Dog, 50 Roughneck BLOCK
G1 5 100 Guard Dog, 99 Roughneck, One-eyed Bert 1 wave (BRS) 60 Militia, 40 Bowman, 80 Crossbowman [losses: 53M, 36B]
G2 6 50 Ranger, 120 Roughneck BLOCK
G2 7 50 Guard Dog, 120 Roughneck BLOCK
G2 8 One-eyed Bert, 50 Guard Dog, 60 Ranger, 80 Roughneck 1 wave (BRS) 80 Militia, 100 Cannoneer [losses: 56M]
G3 9 100 Grey Wolf 1 wave (BRS) 60 Recruit [losses: 4R]
G3 10 100 Ranger, 100 Roughneck BLOCK
G3 11 Metal Toothed, 40 Guard Dog, 155 Roughneck 1 wave (ANS) 120 Militia
2 wave (BRS) 100 Militia, 80 Cannoneer [losses: 200M]
G4 12 100 Guard Dog, 100 Roughneck BLOCK
G4 13 100 Hunter, 100 Roughneck BLOCK
G4 14 One-eyed Bert, Skunk, 100 Guard Dog, 90 Roughneck 1 wave (BRS) 100 Recruit, 80 Cannoneer [losses: 93R]
G5 15 80 Guard Dog, 40 Ranger, 80 Roughneck 1 wave (BRS) 80 Recruit, 20 Elite Soldier, 80 Cannoneer [losses: 63R]
G5 16 Skunk, 100 Ranger, 80 Roughneck BLOCK
G5 17 Wild Mary, 2 Skunk, 100 Scavenger, 50 Ranger 1 wave (MMA) 80 Militia, 120 Cavalry
2 wave (BRS) 80 Militia, 100 Cannoneer [losses: 152M, 120C]
G6 18 One-eyed Bert, 100 Guard Dog, 99 Roughneck 1 wave (BRS) 120 Recruit, 60 Cannoneer [losses: 98R]
G6 19 One-eyed Bert, 100 Guard Dog, 99 Roughneck 1 wave (BRS) 120 Recruit, 60 Cannoneer [losses: 98R]


See how to make blocks

More information can be found in the guide: How Make Blocks

Remember blocks you do on your own responsibility, there is always a risk that the block can fail.

Camp 3-4Camp 6-7Camp 10Camp 12-13Camp 16

From Ga (15 Recruit + 101 Soldier + 4 Cavalry) send General to camp 3, when the General reaches the place marked on the screen
from Gb (2 Recruit + 20 Soldier + 145 Cavalry) send General to camp 4, shortly after
from W (1 wave (BRS) 60 Militia, 40 Bowman, 80 Crossbowman) send Boris to camp 5.

From Gc (10 Recruit + 15 Militia + 60 Soldier + 115 Cavalry) send General to camp 6, shortly after
from Gd (125 Soldier + 16 Cavalry) send General to camp 7, shortly after
from W (1 wave (BRS) 80 Militia, 100 Cannoneer) send Boris to camp 8

From Ge (60 Soldier + 140 Cavalry) send General to camp 10, shortly after
from G3 (1 wave (ANS) 120 Militia) and
from W (2 wave (BRS) 100 Militia, 80 Cannoneer) send Generals to camp 11.

From Gg (57 Soldier + 143 Cavalry) send General to camp 13, shortly after
from Gf (125 Soldier) send General to camp 12, shortly after
from W (1 wave (BRS) 100 Recruit, 80 Cannoneer) send Boris to camp 14.

From Gh (87 Soldier, 67 Cavalry) send General to camp 16, shortly after
from G5 (1 wave (MMA) 80 Militia, 120 Cavalry) and
from W (2 wave (BRS) 80 Militia, 100 Cannoneer) send General and Boris to camp 17.

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