Motherly Love – General MMA with Crossbowmen (achievements)


  • 3x
  • 557 Recruit [-557]
  • 109 Militia [-109]
  • 110 Crossbowman
  • 55 Soldier

To include within the prescribed time all the achievements, we need 3 masters.

Garrison Camp Enemy Units Our Attacks
G1 1 100 Caltrop, 100 Pirate Officer 1 wave (MMA) 165 Recruit, 55 Soldier [losses: 165R]
G1 2 100 Caltrop + 200 Grey Wolf + 200 Grey Wolf 1 wave (MMA) 220 Recruit [losses: 52R]
G1 3 Wild Mary, 50 Pirate Officer, Crazy Cook, 50 Gunman 1 wave (MMA) 180 Recruit
2 wave (MMA) 160 Recruit
3 wave (MMA) 109 Militia + 1 Soldier, 110 Crossbowman [losses: 340R, 109M]