The Nords – 270 + NUS (Daglezja)


  • 2x
  • 130 Recruit [-95]
  • 53 Militia [-53]
  • 151 Elite Soldier
  • 200 Cavalry
  • 381 Crossbowman


NUS 270
Juggernaut 2/3
Rapid Fire 3/3
Battle Frenzy 2/3
Unstoppable Charge 1/3
Juggernaut 1/3

Attacking camp 5, set Nusale to the right G1 site.
Attacking camp 6 from G2 we destroy all camps on the way.
Camp 7 we destroy from G3.

Garrison Camp Enemy Units Our Units
G1 1 – 5 150 Karl, 200 Valkyrie, 175 Housecarl, 150 Thrall, 5 Berserk 1 wave (NUS) 165 Crossbowman [losses: 0]
G2 6 175 Valkyrie, 225 Housecarl, 15 Berserk, 20 Jomviking 1 wave (NUS) 165 Crossbowman [losses: 0]
G3 7 50 Valkyrie, 100 Housecarl, 10 Jomviking 1 wave (NUS) 24 Recruit, 1 Elite Soldier, 140 Crossbowman [losses: 2R]
G3 8 50 Karl, 75 Housecarl 1 wave (NUS) 5 Militia, 160 Crossbowman [losses: 0]
G4 11 150 Karl 1 wave (NUS) 165 Crossbowman [losses: 0]


See how to make blocks

More information can be found in the guide: How Make Blocks

Remember blocks you do on your own responsibility, there is always a risk that the block can fail.

Camp 9-10Camp 12-14

From Ga (120 Elite Soldier) send General to camp 9, shortly after
from W (1 wave (270) 100 Recruit, 1 Elite Soldier, 169 Crossbowman) send Major to camp 10. (losses 93R)

From Gb (150 Elite Soldier) send General to camp 12, shortly after
from W1 (1 wave (200) 200 Cavalry) send General to camp 13, shortly after
from W2 (1 wave (270) 53 Militia, 1 Elite Soldier, 216 Crossbowman) send Major to camp 14.
  1. details for the last camps are missing!!

    From Admin: The description for the last camps is in the block.

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