The Dragon’s Roost – General Boris with Crossbowmen


  • 247 Recruit [-67]
  • 114 Militia [-114]
  • 180 Cavalry
  • 160 Crossbowman


4.000 2.000 1

Quests in Adventure:

Mission Name Mission Description
The Dragon’s Minions Defeat all wildlife leader caves.
Defeat all Dark Cult leaders.
Clear a Path Collect 2 Bridge Base Material
Produce and place 2 swamp bridges over all shallow swamp areas
Collect 4 Ore
Produce and use Pickaxe to destroy all 4 destructible boulders.
Dragonsbane Collect 5 Glowing Herbs
Own Enchanted Sword Buff
Fiery Showdown Defeat the dragon Flafir in the Dark Castle
End of The Endless One Slay Flafir in his cave with your Enchanted Sword

Buffs in Provision House:

Appearance Name Costs Production Time
Provision House Rarity Provision House
Swamp Bridge 2.000 + =
  • Level 1 – 05:00 minutes
  • Level 2 – 02:30 minutes
  • Level 3 – 01:40 minutes
  • Level 4 – 01:15 minutes
  • Level 5 – 01:00 minute
  • Level 6 – 00:50 seconds
  • Level 7 – 00:43 seconds
  • 01:00 minute
Pickaxe 500 + =
Enchanted Sword 1 + 5 =

Attacks 2, 4 and 6: General destroying on his way other camps without additional losses.

Garrison Camp Enemy Units Our Attacks
G1 1 10 Boar 1 wave (BRS) 180 Cavalry [losses: 0]
G1 2 15 Fox + (100 Grey Wolf, 5 Wolf) 1 wave (BRS) 180 Recruit [losses: 16R]
G1 3 5 Boar, Furious Boar 1 wave (BRS) 30 Recruit, 150 Crossbowman [losses: 30R]
G2 4 5 Bear, 5 Fox + (13 Wolf Packleader, 5 Fox) 1 wave (BRS) 180 Recruit [losses: 21R]
G2 5 Giant Bear 1 wave (BRS) 50 Militia, 130 Crossbowman [losses: 50M]
G3 6 10 Shadowsneaker, 10 Dark Priest +
(10 Cultist, 10 Shadowsneaker, 5 Firedancer)
1 wave (BRS) 180 Recruit [losses: 0]
G4 7 50 Cultist 1 wave (BRS) 180 Cavalry [losses: 0]
G4 8 20 Cultist, Preacher Of Flames 1 wave (BRS) 20 Cavalry, 160 Crossbowman [losses: 0]
G5 9 20 Cultist, Ancient Dragon 1 wave (BRS) 64 Militia, 116 Crossbowman [losses: 64M]