Footie Pitch

from level 16

Origin: Football Event 2021-2024 1.599
Football Event 2016-2020 1.499

Need a patent construction: NO
Build time: 40 seconds
Size building: 2×3 field
Possibility of improving: NO
Can trade: NO
After the demolition returns to star menu: YES

In the building we can activate zone buffs:

Appearance Name Description Costs Cooldown
Exhibition Match Increases population growth about 6x for 90 minutes. 200 + 200 23 hours
Strength Training Increases productivity of all types of weaponsmith about 3x for 90 minutes. 300 + 500 23 hours
The Wave Increases productivity of all Fishers, Fish Farms, Wells, Watermills, Improved Watermills and Magnificient Watermills about 5x for 90 minutes. 400 23 hours
Incitement Increases productivity of all mines, (Copper, Iron, Coal, Gold, Titanium, Saltpeter) about 3x for 90 minutes. 300 + 500 23 hours


Number of Buildings: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time: 23:00h 11:30h 07:40h 05:45h 04:36h 03:50h 03:17h 02:52h 02:33h 02:18h

Immediately Upgrade a Building: 10

Move a Building: free