Spacious Warehouse

from level 1

Origin: Easter Event 2021 Event Quest
Easter Event 2019 Event Quest
Easter Event 2016 Event Quest

After demolishing the warehouse, the building returns to the star menu. After building again, you can raise the warehouse to the same previous level.

Level 1 2 3
Build Cost 0 Easter Achievements Points 50 Easter Achievements Points 200 Easter Achievements Points
Build Time 00:10 seconds 00:10 seconds 00:10 seconds
Storage Capacity 1.500 3.000 (+ 1.500) 6.000 (+ 3.000)
Level 4 5 6
Build Cost 375 Easter Achievements Points 560 Easter Achievements Points 800 Easter Achievements Points
Build Time 00:10 seconds 00:10 seconds 00:10 seconds
Storage Capacity 12.000 (+ 6.000) 24.000 (+ 12.000) 48.000 (+ 24.000)

Immediately Upgrade a Building: 10

Move a Building: NO