Bag Rainbow Snow

from level ?

Origin: Adventure Search (long)
(Lucky Explorer)
Adventure Search (very long)
(Lucky Explorer)
Treasure Search (very long)
(Lucky Explorer)
Treasure Search (prolongued)
(Lucky Explorer)
Artefact Search
(Lucky Explorer)
Artefact Search (9.09%)
The Invasion Of The Nords (30%)
Bonaberti Business (50%)
Brilliant Halloween Building Bundle (100%)
Halloween Elite Pack (100%)
Horrific Halloween Bundle (100%)
Dusty Halloween Bag (100%)
Uncanny Halloween Chest (100%)
The Forerunner Box I (5% / 10%)
The Forerunner Box II (5% / 10%)
The Forerunner Box III (5% / 10%)
The Forerunner Box IV (5% / 10%)
Trade: YES
Effect: Increases the production of building about 4x

Duration Time 96:00 hours
Duration Time Buff From Friend
Duration Time Buff From Friend having Premium