Hot Lemon Tea

from level 1

Origin: Adventure Search (long)
(Lucky Explorer)
Adventure Search (very long)
(Lucky Explorer)
Treasure Search (very long)
(Lucky Explorer)
Treasure Search (prolonged)
(Lucky Explorer)
Artefact Search
(Lucky Explorer)
Snack Stand 2.000 + 2.000 + 25
Trici’s Supply Crate 675 (8%)
Christmas Event 2013-2023 50
Midsummer Night Event 2015 75
Freezing Bag (100%)
Freezing Box (100%)
Freezing Chest (100%)
Trade: YES
Effect: Increases the production of Village School about 3x

Duration Time 24:00 hours
Duration Time Buff From Friend 36:00 hours
Duration Time Buff From Friend having Premium 39:36 hours