Red Flying Settler

from level ?

Origin: Merchant: Black Merket 199
Adventure Search (long)
(Lucky Explorer)
Adventure Search (very long)
(Lucky Explorer)
Treasure Search (very long)
(Lucky Explorer)
Treasure Search (prolongued)
(Lucky Explorer)
Artefact Search
(Lucky Explorer)
Snack Stand 2.000 + 100
Trici’s Supply Crate 675 (8%)
Exotic Flotsam 95 (17%)
Mysterious Resource Box 60 (10%)
Mysterious Easter Box 89 (4%)
Jaguar Bundle (100%)
Summer Bundle I (100%)
Trade: YES
Effect: Increases the production of building about 3x

Duration Time 24:00 hours
Duration Time Buff From Friend 36:00 hours
Duration Time Buff From Friend having Premium 39:36 hours