Rarity Provision House

from level 7 – Show Info

Level 1
Build Costs 3.495
Build Time 10.00 min


Appearance Name Production Time Costs Required Level Effect
Magical ink 10:00 minutes 200
1 Use on Mayor’s House to get 50
Employee of
the month badge
30:00 minutes 300
1 Accelerate the production of building
about 3x faster for 6 hours
Gamekeeper snack 12:30 minutes 120
1 Add to deposits of meat 500 pieces of meat
Rare fish food 02:30 minutes 40 1 Add to deposits of fish 500 pieces of fish

To unlock new buffs should buy the appropriate licenses from the Merchant:

Appearance Name Production
Costs Required
Small Glue 06:00 minutes 5 + 100 + 50 7 Bookbinder production +20% for 12 hours
Aunt Irma’s Feast 05:00 minutes 150 + 100 + 50 7 Building Production x2 for 24 hours
Stop Buff 03:00 minutes 100 + 100 7 Stops all active buffs for building
Paper Mill 03:00 minutes 250 7 50
A Trader’s Gift 02:00 minutes 5 7 Adds 100 stones to a stone deposit
Marble Mountain 03:00 minutes 20 + 20 7 Adds 50 marbles to a marble deposit
Double-Time 05:00 minutes 50 + 10 7 Reduces the production time of the
Combat Armory by 20% for 6 hours
05:00 minutes 50 + 10 7 Halves production time of the Combat
Academy for 6 hours
Grilled Steak 15:00 minutes 500 7 Increases the production of building about 2x for 48 hours
Kitty Lure 10:00 minutes 450 + 600 + 50 7 Doubles the production output of up to four farms, improved farms, silos, improved silos and mills in a small area for 24 hours
Forest Offerings 07:00 minutes 200 + 150 + 75 7 Doubles the production output of up to four woodcutters, foresters, sawmills and tree nurseries in a small area for 12 hours
Efficient Traps 07:30 minutes 300 + 150 + 50 7 Increases the production of building hunter and deerstalker hut about 2x in 12 hours a radius of 4 squares.
Platinum Horseshoes 02:30 minutes 1.200 + 400 54 Adds 20% movement speed to all generals on an adventure.
Paper Recycling 03:00 minutes 250 7 50
Smelter Calendar 07:30 minutes 300 + 150 + 31 7 Increases the production of smelters (Bronze, Iron, Steel, Gold, Titanium, Platinum), Epic Smelters (Bronze, Iron, Steel, Damascene, Platinum) about 2x for 8 hours.

Books Recipes in Rarity Provision House:

Recipes can get as a reward from some adventures with The Excelsior

The Lost Compass Snow White The Lost City
A Threat? One Step Ahead
Settlers & Bandits
Appearance Name Production Time Cost
Manuscript Recipe
  • 07:30 hours
770 + 620 + 32 + 100 =
Tome Recipe
  • 09:00 hours
790 + 540 + 100 + 6 =
Codex Recipe
  • 10:30 hours
730 + 520 + 100 + 4 =