
General used to attack the enemy camps. First, thanks to him we raise the island (for each destroyed camp experience points you get when all the regions will be conquered in order to gain more then experience points we need to make the adventure. Maximum you can recruit six generals in the tavern building. If we have more we can buy in the store for the gems. Addition to shop for gems can buy General, which can take 250 units instead of 200 as normal.
Remember that making adventure, we can transport the army with General, and then leave it on the island or reassigned to another General, which helps us to defeating camps and choosing the army.
Each general can be improved with different skills. No matter what skills we choose, all guides will remain current (with blocks and without blocks) but we have to remember for generals from tavern not add skills to increase the army’s attack (juggernaut, battle frenzy, overrun, unstoppable charge, etc). Some skills may slightly reduce the losses of our units given in the guides.

Generals Skills

In the game there are several types of generals who differ in the number of units that can take and several other features.

Appearance General Name Number Of Units How To Get The General Additional Features Cost
Normal General 200 Available in Tavern I: 100
II: 200
III: 500
IV: 2.000
V: 5.000
VI: 20.000
General Log 220 Available when you purchase the boxed version of the game.
Available from Merchant in Black Market section
Travels twice as quickly to adventures.
Recover twice as quickly from defeat.
Battle Hardened General 200 Available from Merchant in Black Market section Travels twice as quickly to adventures.
Recover twice as quickly from defeat.
Veteran 250 Available from Merchant in Black Market section
Available during Easter Event 2012-2023
Travels twice as quickly to adventures.
Recover twice as quickly from defeat.
General Bighelmet 200 Available from Merchant in Black Market section Travels twice as quickly to adventures.
Recover twice as quickly from defeat.
General Grim Reaper 200 Available during Halloween Event Travels twice as quickly to adventures.
Recover twice as quickly from defeat.
General Major 270 Available from Merchant in Epic Item section
Available during Easter Event 2019-2023
Travels twice as quickly to adventures.
Recover twice as quickly from defeat.
General Quartermaster 1.000 Available from Merchant in Epic Item section Travels twice as quickly to adventures.
Can’t fight
Quartermaster Bigheart 2.000 Available during Valentines Event 2020-2023, 2025 Travels twice as quickly to adventures.
Can’t fight.
Quartermasters Claus 1.000 Available during Christmas Event 2015-2022, 2024 Travels to adventures in two minutes
Return from adventures in 1.5 hours.
Amount of units increased to 1.000
Can’t fight
Quartermaster Bjoern 1.000 Available during Halloween Event 2023-2024 Bjoern is so friendly that he is able to hire mercenaries during his travel.
These recruits can be used on adventure during fights.
Travel Time: 15m
Master Of Martial Arts 220 Available from Merchant in Black Market section.
Available during Easter Event 2013-2019
General recover twice as quickly from defeat
Travels twice as quickly to adventures
Skills: Splash Damage, First Strike,
Master Of Defense 200 Available from Merchant in Black Market section
Available during Easter Event 2018-2024
General recover twice as quickly from defeat
Travels twice as quickly to adventures
Skills: Flanking,
Greatly Increased HP, Splash Damage
Lord Dracul 200 Available during Halloween Event 2019 General recover twice as quickly from defeat
Travels twice as quickly to adventures
Skills: First Strike, Splash Damage
Champion Vargus 180 Available from Merchant in Black Market section
Available during Christmas Event 2016
Travels twice as quickly to adventures.
Recover twice as quickly from defeat.
First Strike
Splash Damage
Intercept – enemy units deal 5% less damage and cannot attack your weakest units first.
Reward from Calendar
Champion Nusala 165 Available from Merchant in Black Market section
Available during Christmas Event 2016
Travels twice as quickly to adventures.
Recover twice as quickly from defeat.
First Strike
Splash Damage
Explosive Ammunition – assigned offensive units (bowman, longbowman, crossbowman, marksman, armored marksman) deal Splash Damage and Attack The Weakest Target First.
Reward from Calendar
Champion Anslem 150 Available from Merchant in Black Market section
Available during Christmas Event 2016
Travels twice as quickly to adventures.
Recover twice as quickly from defeat.
Splash Damage
Dazzle – reduces the accuracy of enemy units to 0%.
Reward from Calendar
General Mary Christmas 200 Available during Christmas Event 2017-2022, 2024 Travels twice as quickly to adventures.
Recover twice as quickly from defeat.
Increases XP gained from enemy units defeated by this army by 100%.
Field Medic General 200 Available during Anniversary Event
Available from Merchant in Black Market section
Travels twice as quickly to adventures.
Recover twice as quickly from defeat.
Recovers 30% of lost units after every battle.
Mad Scientist 200 Available during Halloween Event 2018-2023
Available from Merchant in Black Market section
Travels twice as quickly to adventures.
Recover twice as quickly from defeat.
Increases attack damage of your heavy units by 100%
General Boris 180 Available during Easter Event 2019-2020 (max only 1)
Available during Easter Event 2024
Travels twice as quickly to adventures.
Recover twice as quickly from defeat.
Increases the attack damage of your swift units and decreases the attack damage of enemy swift units by 50%.
You’ll additionally gain +50% combat XP from defeated camps.
General Sylvana 180 Available during Football Event 2020-2023
Available during Easter Event 2021-2023
Travels twice as quickly to adventures.
Recover twice as quickly from defeat.
Increases the attack damage of your swift units and decreases the attack damage of enemy swift units by 50%.
You’ll additionally gain +50% combat XP from defeated camps.
Older Gemini General 280 Available during Anniversary 2019 Travels twice as quickly to adventures.
Recover tree time as quickly from defeat.
Recover 20% of lost units after every battle.
Reward from Quest
Younger Gemini General 140 Available during Halloween Event 2019-2024
Available from Merchant in Black Market section
Travels twice as quickly to adventures.
Recover twice as quickly from defeat.
Defensive units gain flanking, and 10% increased accuracy.
Steadfast General 220 Available during Christmas Event 2019-2023 Travels twice as quickly to adventures.
Recover twice as quickly from defeat.
Swift units gain Flanking and Splash Damage, while their Accuracy and Damage is increased by 20%.
Cloaked General 200 Available during Easter Event 2020-2024 Travels three time as quickly to adventures.
Recover twice as quickly from defeat.
Boss and Defense units HP reduced by 25%.
Boss damage reduced by 25%.
General Tremble Beard 160 Available during Anniversary Event 2020-2024 Travels twice as quickly to adventures.
Recover twice as quickly from defeat.
200 % Increased XP gained from enemy units defeated by his army.
Natural Bounty Hunter (does not stack with skills)
Ghost General 215 Available during Halloween Event 2020-2024 Travels three time as fast to adventures.
Recover 4x faster and 20% lost units.
Unit HP +20%.
Enemy Accuracy-50%.
Natural 1-Up (does not stack with skills)
Frosty General 190 Available during Christmas Event 2020-2022, 2024 Travels twice as quickly to adventures.
Recover twice as quickly from defeat.
Your defensive units gain splash damage and +30% to attack damage.
Loner General 230 Available during Valentines Event 2021-2025 Travels twice as quickly to adventures.
Recover twice as quickly from defeat.
Recover 10% of lost units after every battle.
Offensive units (Bowman, Longbowman, Crossbowman, Marksman, Armored Marksman) get a 50% attack bonus.
General Loudmouth 170 Available during Anniversary Event 2021-2023 Travels twice as quickly to adventures.
Recover twice as quickly from defeat.
Enemy units deal 10% less damage and cannot attack your weakest units first.
Nutcracker General 200 Available during Christmas Event 2021-2024 He travels on an adventure like an normal general.
He recovers from defeat like an normal general.
Recovers 20% of lost unirt after every battle. Units HP +30%.
Miraculous General 200 Available during Easter Event 2022-2024 Travels as a normal General to adventures.
Natural 1-Up Skill.
Recover 45% of lost units after every battle.
Resolute General 200 Available during Halloween Event 2022-2023 Travels normal to adventures.
Increases the HP of Soldiers, Elite Soldiers and Swordsman by +100%, for an initial cost of -30% to their damage dealt,
and allows these specific units to deal Splash Damage.
Enemy Offensive and Heavy units deal 30% reduced damage.
The formation also prevents his troops from being Flanked by the enemy.
Every turn spent in battle makes the general and professional infantry units strike +50% harder.
General Juan 180 Available during Football Event 2024 Travels twice as quickly to adventures.
Recover twice as quickly from defeat.
Recovers 20% of lost units after every battle.
Increases XP gained from enemy units defeated by this army by 100%
Brohmann, The Raider 125 Available during Christmas Event 2024 Travels twice as quickly to adventures.
Recover twice as quickly from defeat.
Cavalry and Knights get +30 damage. Knights also get Flanking.
Defeating enemies in battle have a Chance of bring coffers with weapons or gold.
Name Hitpoints Damage Accuracy Attributes
General 1 120 80%
Battle Hardened General 1 120 80%
Grim Reaper 1 120 80%
General Bighelmet 1 120 80%
General Log 1 120 80%
Veteran 1 120 80%
Major 1 120 80%
Master Of Martial Arts 1 450 – 500 80% Flanking
Splash Damage
First Strike
Master Of Defense 5.000 25 – 50 80% Flanking
Splash Damage
Lord Dracul 999 111 – 333 77% First Strike
Splash Damage
Champion Vargus 200 750-1.250 80% First Strike
Splash Damage
Champion Nusala 150 1.000-1.500 90% First Strike
Splash Damage
Champion Anslem 150 1.000-1.500 50% Flanking
Splash Damage
General Mary Christmas 100 125-250 80% Increases XP gained from enemy units defeated by this army by 100%.
Field Medic General 100 120-120 80% Recovers 30% of lost units after every battle.
Mad Scientist 100 300-600 60% Splash Damage
Increases attack damage of your heavy units by 100%
General Boris 100 700-1.000 80% First Strike
Splash Damage
Increases the attack damage of your swift units
and decreases the attack damage of enemy swift units by 50%.
General Sylvana 100 700-1.000 80% First Strike
Splash Damage
Increases the attack damage of your swift units
and decreases the attack damage of enemy swift units by 50%.
Older Gemini General 100 125-250 80% First Strike
Splash Damage
Recover 20% of lost units after every battle.
Younger Gemini General 2.000 4.500-5.000 90% Splash Damage
Defensive units gain flanking, and 10% increased accuracy.
Steadfast General 10.000 100-200 70% Splash Damage
Swift units gain Flanking and Splash Damage,
while their Accuracy and Damage is increased by 20%.
Cloaked General 1.000 500-5.000 10% First Strike, Splash Damage
Boss and Defense units HP reduced by 25%.
Boss damage reduced by 25%.
General Tremble Beard 1 375-425 90% First Strike
Splash Damage
200 % Increased XP gained from enemy units defeated by his army.
Natural Bounty Hunter (does not stack with skills)
Ghost General 2 777-999 85% Last Strike
Splash Damage
Unit HP +20%.
Enemy Accuracy-50%.
Natural 1-Up.
Frosty General 2.412 2.412-2.612 24% Splash Damage
Your defensive units gain splash damage and +30% to attack damage.
Loner General 500 500-2.000 95% First Strike
Splash Damage
Recover 10% of lost units after every battle.
Offensive units (Bowman, Longbowman, Crossbowman, Marksman, Armored Marksman) get a 50% attack bonus.
General Loudmouth 300 800-1.100 80% First Strike
Enemy units deal 10% less damage and cannot attack your weakest units first.
Nutcracker General 3.900 500-2.000 70% Flanking
Recovers 20% of lost unirt after every battle. Units HP +30%.
Miraculous General 300 400-800 80% Last Strike
Natural 1-Up Skill.
Recover 45% of lost units after every battle.
Resolute General 3.000 400-600 85% Splash Damage
Increases the HP of Soldiers, Elite Soldiers and Swordsman by +100%, for an initial cost of -30% to their damage dealt,
and allows these specific units to deal Splash Damage.
Enemy Offensive and Heavy units deal 30% reduced damage.
The formation also prevents his troops from being Flanked by the enemy.
Every turn spent in battle makes the general and professional infantry units strike +50% harder.
General Juan 500 700-800 80% First Strike
Splash Damage
Recovers 20% of lost units after every battle.
Increases XP gained from enemy units defeated by this army by 100%
Brohmann, The Raider 500 1.500-3.000 70% First Strike
Splash Damage
Cavalry and Knights get +30 damage. Knights also get Flanking.

General Garrison