Achievements – Attack

Attack – 860 Points

Name Appearance Quest Points Reward
Small Conquest Conquer a small colony island
Normal Conquest Conquer a regular colony island
Large Conquest Conquer a large colony island
Ace Conquer 100 small colony islands from other palyers
Hero Conquer 100 regular colony islands from other palyers
Unstoppable Force Conquer 100 large colony islands from other palyers
Experienced Combatant Conquer 100 colonies
Expert Attacker Conquer a small colony island owned by another player losing less than 250 troops
Expert Tactician Conquer a regular colony island owned by another player losing less than 450 troops
Expert Conqueror Conquer a large colony island owned by another player losing less than 650 troops
Quick Attackerr Conquer a small colony island in under 1 hour
Quick Tactician Conquer a regular colony island in under 1 hour
Quick Conqueror Conquer a large colony island in under 1 hour
The Boss Destroy 100 boss camps on colony islands

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