The Whirlwind – YGG + BRS (idepo)


  • 4x
  • 455 Recruit [-455]
  • 90 Cavalry
  • 105 Crossbowman


First Aid 2/3
Juggernaut 3/3
Overrun 3/3
1-Up 1/1
Juggernaut 3/3
Overrun 3/3
Unstoppable Charge 3/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
Master Planner 1/1

Player 1 destroys camps of 1-3. Palisade for a Player 4 is destroyed. Player 4 moves garrison in the place marked G1 and attacking from behind.
Player 4 causes the destruction a palisade of Player 3
Player 3 destroys camps of 1-3. Palisade for a Player 2 is destroyed. Player 2 moves garrison in the place marked G1 and attacking from behind.
Player 2 causes the destruction a palisade of Player 1
Player 1 and 3 after the destruction of the Inner Forts was opened road for Player 2 and 4
Player 2 and 4 after the destruction of the Inner Forts was opened road for Player 1 to destroy Fortified Warehouse.

The numbers correspond to the order to accept an invitation by the players.

There is a few percent probability that the camp in G1 will not be defeated – then you should finish it with arrows 🙂

Older Gemini General (145 Cavalry, 150 Crossbowman) can be used, instead of Sylvana/Boris

Garrison Camp Enemy Units Our Attacks
G1 1 (100 Scavenger, 100 Ranger)+
(120 Thug, 80 Ranger)+
100 Scavenger, 50 Guard Dog, 50 Ranger
1 wave (YGG) 50 Recruit
2 wave (YGG) 1 Recruit [losses: 50R]
G1.2 1.2 100 Thug, 99 Ranger, One-eyed Bert 1 wave (YGG) 155 Recruit [losses: 155R]
G1 2 (200 Thug)+
50 Thug, 50 Guard Dog, 100 Ranger
1 wave (YGG) 120 Recruit [losses: 120R]
G1 3 (80 Thug, 100 Guard Dog, 20 Ranger)+
100 Thug, 99 Ranger, One-eyed Bert
1 wave (YGG) 80 Recruit
2 wave (BRS) 90 Cavalry, 105 Crossbowman [losses: 80R]
G2 4 (100 Guard Dog, 90 Roughneck)+
(70 Guard Dog, 70 Roughneck, 50 Ranger)+
50 Guard Dog, 60 Roughneck, 80 Ranger, Metal Toothed
1 wave (YGG) 50 Recruit
2 wave (YGG) 1 Recruit
3 wave (YGG) 1 Recruit [losses: 50R]
G2 5 (200 Stone Thrower)+
50 Guard Dog, 100 Roughneck, 50 Ranger, Chuck
1 wave (YGG) 1 Recruit
2 wave (YGG) 1 Recruit
3 wave (BRS) 90 Cavalry, 105 Crossbowman [losses: 0]

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