Ali Baba, The Young Wood Cutter – GHOST + BRS + STF (magnum10)


  • 7x
  • 1x Rain Of Flamin Arrrows
  • 1x Cupid Arrow
  • 305 Mounted Swordsman [-181]
  • 690 Knight [-172]
  • 110 Armored Marksman
  • 729 Mounted Marksman


First Aid 3/3
Overrun 3/3
Unstoppable Charge 3/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
Master Planner 1/1
Juggernaut 3/3
Overrun 3/3
Unstoppable Charge 3/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
Master Planner 1/1
First Aid 3/3
Juggernaut 1/3
Overrun 3/3
Unstoppable Charge 3/3
Battle Frenzy 1/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
Master Planner 1/1

A guide to a quick ending of the Woodcutter. Completing the adventure, including the army’s journey, takes about 20 minutes. The best option is to send 6 Ghosts, Boris and Steadfast. In this situation, you don’t need to send troops, each general performs one attack. After landing on the island, throw arrows at camp 0 and move 2-4 Ghosts to the G2 zone. Then we send attacks, simultaneously from both sides. Generals attacking camps 1, 3 and 9 destroy other camps along the way. To increase the speed of completing the adventure, it is worth equipping generals with an accelerated navigation course 3/3. In fact, the losses are much smaller than those listed in the guide.

Garrison Camp Enemy Units Our Attacks
G0 0 80 Horseman, 80 Stone Cannon, Bandit Lord 1 wave Rain Of Flaming Arrows
2 wave Cupid Arrow [losses: 0]
G1 1 180 Sword Wielder
+ 110 Desert Marksman, 100 Stone Cannon
+ 120 Horseman, 80 Desert Marksman, Shrewd Thief
1 wave (GHOST) 60 Mounted Swordsman, 170 Mounted Marksman [losses: 15MS]
G! 2 80 Sword Wielder, 80 Mounted Bowman 1 wave (GHOST) 230 Knight [losses: 90K]
G! 3 150 Sword Master
+ 70 Horseman, 70 Sword Wielder, 50 Dune Marksman
+ 80 Horseman, 90 Dune Marksman, Greedy Thief
1 wave (STF) 110 Mounted Swordsman, 125 Mounted Marksman [losses: 89MS]
G2 4 70 Sword Master, 60 Dune Marksman, 50 Horseman 1 wave (GHOST) 57 Mounted Swordsman, 110 Armored Marksman, 63 Mounted Marksman [losses: 36MS]
G2 5 70 Mounted Bowman, 70 Desert Marksman 1 wave (GHOST) 230 Knight [losses: 41K]
G2 6 90 Desert Marksman, 90 Horseman, Smart Thief 1 wave (GHOST) 24 Mounted Swordsman, 206 Mounted Marksman [losses: 14MS]
G2 7 90 Sword Clasher, 80 Horseman, Treacherous Thief 1 wave (GHOST) 24 Mounted Swordsman, 206 Mounted Marksman [losses: 14MS]
G3 8 80 Mounted Bowman, 90 Sword Clasher 1 wave (GHOST) 230 Knight [losses: 41K]
G3 9 70 Horseman, 70 Sword Wielder
+ 90 Sword Clasher, 90 Stone Cannon
+ 80 Horseman, 80 Dune Marksman, Mysterious Thief
1 wave (BRS) 30 Mounted Swordsman, 165 Mounted Marksman [losses: 13MS]

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