The Clever Little Tailor – General Gemini + Boris + MMA with Cannoneers (skills)


  • 6x 13x
  • 4.079 Recruit [-4.079]
  • 134 Militia [-134]
  • 220 Cavalry
  • 3.260 Bowman [-3.260]
  • 295 Crossbowman
  • 1 Elite Soldier
  • 185 Cannoneer
  • 5x 2x 11x
  • 2.353 Recruit [-2.353]
  • 134 Militia [-134]
  • 255 Cavalry
  • 2.795 Bowman [-2.755]
  • 295 Crossbowman
  • 348 Elite Soldier
  • 172 Cannoneer


Juggernaut 3/3
Overrun 3/3
Unstoppable Charge 3/3
Battle Frenzy 2/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
Master Planner 1/1
Juggernaut 3/3
Rapid Fire 3/3
Unstoppable Charge 3/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
1-Up 1/1
Juggernaut 3/3
Overrun 3/3
Unstoppable Charge 3/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
Master Planner 1/1

Garrison Camp Enemy Units Our Attacks
G1 1 100 Roughneck, 100 Ranger 1 wave (BRS) 80 Recruit, 1 Elite Soldier, 30 Cavalry, 84 Cannoneer [losses: 80R]
G1 2 200 Ranger 1 wave (BRS) 195 Cavalry [losses: 0]
G1 3 110 Roughneck, 90 Ranger 1 wave (BRS) 87 Recruit, 1 Elite Soldier, 20 Cavalry, 87 Cannoneer [losses: 87R]
G1 4 89 Roughneck, 110 Ranger, Chuck 1 wave (GEM) 84 Recruit, 100 Cavalry, 1 Elite Soldier, 110 Crossbowman [losses: 84R]
G2 5 130 Roughneck, 70 Ranger 1 wave (BRS) 105 Recruit, 90 Cannoneer [losses: 105R]
G2 6 80 Guard Dog, 120 Ranger 1 wave (BRS) 195 Recruit [losses: 77R]
G2 7 100 Guard Dog, 100 Roughneck 1 wave (BRS) 91 Recruit, 104 Cannoneer [losses: 91R]
G2 8 150 Roughneck, 50 Ranger 1 wave (GEM) 120 Recruit, 1 Elite Soldier, 40 Cavalry, 134 Cannoneer [losses: 120R]
G2 9 110 Roughneck, 90 Ranger 1 wave (BRS) 88 Recruit, 1 Elite Soldier, 20 Cavalry, 86 Cannoneer [losses: 88R]
G2 10 99 Roughneck, 100 Ranger, Iron Fist 1 wave (GEM) 98 Recruit, 1 Elite Soldier, 90 Cavalry, 106 Cannoneer [losses: 98R]
G3 11 80 Boar, 60 Wolf 1 wave (BRS) 118 Recruit, 77 Cannoneer [losses: 118R]
G3 12 90 Boar, 50 Fox 1 wave (BRS) 118 Recruit, 77 Cannoneer [losses: 118R]
G3 13 50 Bear, 40 Wolf Packleader 1 wave (GEM) 223 Recruit, 72 Cannoneer [losses: 223R]
G3 14 110 Boar, 30 Wolf Packleader 1 wave (GEM) 185 Recruit, 110 Cannoneer [losses: 185R]
G3 15 110 Bear 1 wave (200) 200 Bowman
2 wave (GEM) 144 Recruit, 151 Cannoneer [losses: 144R, 200B]
G3 16 80 Bear, 40 Fox, 30 Giant 1 wave (200) 200 Bowman
2 wave (GEM) 125 Recruit, 40 Bowman, 130 Crossbowman [losses: 240B, 125R]
G4 17 150 Fox 1 wave (BRS) 77 Recruit, 118 Cannoneer [losses: 77R]
G4 18 80 Wolf Packleader, 60 Fox 1 wave (200) 200 Recruit
2 wave (BRS) 105 Recruit, 90 Cannoneer [losses: 305R]
G4 19 50 Boar, 130 Bear 1 wave (200) 200 Bowman
2 wave (200) 200 Bowman
3 wave (GEM) 170 Recruit, 125 Cannoneer [losses: 170R, 400B]
G4 20 90 Bear, 50 Fox, 40 Giant 1 wave (MMA) 235 Bowman
2 wave (MMA) 235 Bowman
3 wave (GEM) 295 Crossbowman [losses: 455B]
G5 21 80 Boar, 40 Bear, 60 Wolf Packleader 1 wave (200) 200 Bowman
2 wave (200) 200 Recruit
3 wave (GEM) 219 Recruit, 77 Cannoneer [losses: 418R, 200B]
G5 22 110 Wolf, 70 Wolf Packleader 1 wave (200) 200 Bowman
2 wave (BRS) 195 Cavalry [losses: 200B]
G5 23 110 Bear, 70 Wolf 1 wave (MMA) 235 Bowman
2 wave (GEM) 164 Recruit, 131 Cannoneer [losses: 235B, 164R]
G5 24 70 Bear, 110 Fox, 20 Giant 1 wave (MMA) 235 Bowman
2 wave (200) 200 Bowman
3 wave (GEM) 36 Recruit, 95 Bowman, 164 Crossbowman [losses: 530B, 36R]
G6 25 90 Bear, 70 Wolf Packleader 1 wave (200) 200 Bowman
2 wave (200) 200 Bowman
3 wave (GEM) 75 Recruit, 220 Cavalry [losses: 75R, 400B]
G6 26 110 Bear, 69 Giant, Giant Bear 1 wave (200) 200 Bowman
2 wave (200) 200 Bowman
3 wave (GEM) 80 Recruit, 1 Elite Soldier, 214 Crossbowman [losses: 400B, 80R]
G7 27 100 Guard Dog, 120 Roughneck 1 wave (BRS) 105 Recruit, 90 Cannoneer [losses: 105R]
G7 28 220 Roughneck 1 wave (GEM) 235 Recruit, 1 Elite Soldier, 59 Cannoneer [losses: 235R]
G7 29 180 Roughneck, 100 Ranger, Metal Toothed 1 wave (MMA) 1 Recruit
2 wave (GEM) 134 Militia, 50 Cavalry, 111 Cannoneer [losses: 134M, 1R]
G8 30 60 Guard Dog, 100 Roughneck, 80 Ranger 1 wave (BRS) 112 Recruit, 83 Cannoneer [losses: 112R]
G8 31 190 Guard Dog, 70 Roughneck 1 wave (BRS) 79 Recruit, 116 Cannoneer [losses: 79R]
G8 32 200 Roughneck, 80 Ranger 1 wave (MMA) 1 Recruit
2 wave (GEM) 198 Recruit, 97 Cannoneer [losses: 199R]
G8 33 80 Guard Dog, 200 Roughneck, Rival Dressmaker 1 wave (BRS) 130 Recruit
2 wave (GEM) 150 Recruit, 145 Cannoneer [losses: 280R]


See how to make blocks

More information can be found in the guide: How Make Blocks

Remember blocks you do on your own responsibility, there is always a risk that the block can fail.

Camp 3Camp 8 and 9Camp 14 and 15Camp 18 and 19Camp 23Camp 28Camp 31 and 32

From Ga (59 Elite Soldier + 134 Cavalry) send General to camp 3, shortly after
from W (1 wave (GEM) 84 Recruit, 100 Cavalry, 1 Elite Soldier, 110 Crossbowman) send Gemini to camp 4.

From Gb (123 Elite Soldier + 45 Cavalry) send General to camp 8, shortly after
from Gc (65 Elite Soldier + 120 Cavalry) send General to camp 9, shortly after
from W (1 wave (GEM) 98 Recruit, 1 Elite Soldier, 90 Cavalry, 106 Cannoneer) send Gemini to camp 10.

From Gd (144 Elite Soldier + 56 Cavalry) send General to camp 14, shortly after
from Ge (170 Elite Soldier + 30 Militia) send General to camp 15, shortly after
from G3 (1 wave (200) 200 Bowman) and
from W (2 wave (270) 66 Militia, 40 Bowman, 179 Crossbowman) send General and Major to camp 16.

From Gf (MMA: 50 Recruit, 170 Bowman) send General to camp 19. After losing the fight
from Gg (150 Elite Soldier + 20 Cavalry) send General to camp 18, shortly after
from Gh (198 Elite Soldier + 1 Cannoneer) send General to camp 19
We wait 8 seconds and from G4.1 (1 wave (MMA) 235 Bowman),
from G4.2 (2 wave (MMA) 235 Bowman) and
from W (3 wave (GEM) 295 Crossbowman) send Generals to camp 20.

From Gi (200 Bowman) send General to camp 23. After losing the fight
from Gj (If there are 63-62 Bear then 174 Elite Soldier, if there are 61-60 Bear, then 170 Elite Soldier) send General to camp 23, shortly after
from G5.1 (1 wave (MMA) 235 Bowman),
from G5.2 (2 wave (200) 2000 Bowman) and
from W (3 wave (GEM) 36 Recruit, 95 Bowman, 164 Crossbowman) send Generals to camp 24

From Gk (189 Elite Soldier + 7 Cavalry) send General to camp 28, shortly after
from G7 (1 wave (MMA) 1 Recruit) and
from W (2 wave (GEM) 134 Militia, 50 Cavalry, 111 Cannoneer) send Generas to camp 29.

From Gl (113 Elite Soldier + 7 Cannoneer) send General to camp 31, shortly after
from Gm (134 Elite Soldier + 39 Cavalry + 27 Cannoneer) send General to camp 32, shortly after
from G8 (1 wave (BRS) 130 Recruit) and
from W (2 wave (GEM) 150 Recruit, 145 Cannoneer) send Generals to camp 33.
There is a risk that Gl may loose.