Old Ruins – YGG (Osirus)


  • 1 Recruit
  • 1x Chocolate Covered Arrows


Juggernaut 3/3
First Aid 1/3
Overrun 3/3
Battle Frenzy 3/3
Garrison Annex 3/3
1-Up 1/1

Destroying the walls: destroy 1 piece of each wall, then you can attack camp 5.
All other parts of walls will automatically be destroyed with camp 5.
Camp 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7 will be destroyed on the way without additional losses.

Garrison Camp Enemy Units Our Attacks
G1 Trees 4 Dead Trees Select the dead trees
G1 4 60 Ranger, One-Eyed Bert 1 wave (YGG) 1 Recruit
2 wave (YGG) 1 Recruit [losses: 0]
G1 Buildings 3 Buildings Select the buildings
G2 Walls 4 Walls 1 wave (YGG) 1 Recruit [losses: 0]
G2 5 100 Grey Wolf, Croaker 1 wave (YGG) 1 Recruit [losses: 0]
G3 8 Night Spawn 1 wave Chocolate Covered Arrows [losses: 0]

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