In this guide we will learn where to put buildings and how to encapsulate magazines.

A common practice is to build large buildings, fields of that type, placement of the same buildings in one place. Players doesn’t pay attention to the location of the warehouses. Closest should be buildings with short production time, and little further buildings with a long production time. A common mistake is the lack of consideration of the time of production and the way out of the building to the store or to deposit. The second approach is to build warehouses in large quantities and build everything around the store – no need to waste space and patents.
There are four main types of destination stores, which can be divided depending on what type of building a warehouse supports:
magazine-> building-> magazine
magazine-> building-> deposit-> building-> magazine
magazine to deposits
magazine about mixed allocate
The first type of magazine is encapsulation type coking plant buildings, steel (smelter), swordsmen, etc. These buildings draw their product from the store, the product is produced and recorded the product to the store.

And this correctly:

In warehouses of type I idea is to get as many buildings placed around the warehouse. You can divide the whole area. The closest store buildings set shortest working. Within three flags from the warehouse buildings set working for three minutes. Behind them within five working buildings flags set to 9 minutes (zone two). Next buildings working for 12 minutes (seven flags – the third zone) and even further to 24 minutes (9 flags). The basic idea is that the building longer works, less effect the length transport path to the warehouse. It can be seen that the sides of the magazine have one flag less. This can be used for the purpose of regulating the economy.
The second type of magazine already is a little more complicated. If you plan to extract some of the bed we have to watch the amount of building work on the field and their performance. Performance should be considered in the context of the storage time of the building, which will be working on the deposit. We’re talking about building a woodcutters, foresters, hunters, fishermen, etc. In the case of woodcutters and fishermen production time is very short, so be sure to build a warehouse near the deposit. In the case of building a hunter can put magazine further, because time is longer production building.

As you can see buildings located in a square between the warehouse and the deposit have the same performance. The closer to the deposit, put magazinethe less buildings to can fit between the deposit and the magazine. On the other hand, further set the warehouse to locate as many buildings in the same square of the more will suffer performance. The longer a building produces, the further you can set up magazine with less loss of performance building.
The third type of warehouse is used for the extraction of deposits on the island. Unfortunately, the amount of deposits on the island is very limited. It should build warehouses so that the time of production of mines and stone masons as short as possible. The area around the magazine is integrated in accordance with the first or second scheme. We build warehouses as close deposits as you can and build around them.
Mixed type. It is a magazine placed the mines, enclosed by the first scheme and building working on the deposit.

It is a terrible magazine. Few buildings can be built around it, and also has an extra flag to enter. The downside is unbalanced. Best to build a farm there, or mill like this:

The correct buildings around improved storage:

Buildings that do not require magazines
There are buildings that need to be kept away from the beautiful of large swathes of land and build them in the corners. These are homes, residences, barracks, tavern, Guild haus, trade office, white castles, etc. In a word, everything that does not require a magazine building in the holes around the island and where you no longer profitable to build the magazine.
This housing estate is a complete waste of space:

Best to build like this:

When we reach a high level in s2 where are placed residences, should be master buildings that occasionally turn on to the task, and this is the best place for small useful buildings, as in the sector of s8. There are also places on the island, which can be built only at a certain point that you do not block the deposit.

Visible on the screenshot in s1, blue dots are places emergence of the deposit, normally can not build our building on the yellow dot, but there are ways to do it.

Such places are several of the island, as well as those where build the building blocks deposit as gold deposit in s9
It is clear that buffs like us there is something missing. There are buildings, which buffs are poorly uneconomic, they are: farms, mills, hunters, bakeries, butchers, fishermen, woodcutters/foresters, coking plant and coal mines. If you are missing any of these materials, it means that you have done something wrong in the structure of the economy. Planning is important that these buildings do not have to buff.
What to buff?
All mines to raise the level 2 +, due to limited resources in the island with the time necessary.
It is buff all buildings whose basic raw materials are expensive and highly processed products as a gold mine. With one gold mine we get at the end of 35 coins. The cost is 1,400 hardwood planks, 1400 and 1500 tools marble + coal. Now buff the entire production chain from one mine will get 300 coins – worth it? We should also remember that buffs such as exotic fruit baskets or cakes best to keep on the upgrade building.
The worst thing you can do is raise at the beginning of the buildings that produce highly processed goods. Very often the problem is that the smelter gold are stopped and there is no gold ore.
A much better solution is to raise the level of buildings rather than adding buildings of that type. Buff the building on 4 lvl need one basket. Buff four buildings on the Level 1 have the same effect, but we need four baskets. In addition, we are losing a place on the island and patents.
Now, as to the truth as we plan the development of the economy always start from the bottom. We want to pick up a coinage. First, we build additional gold mines and we take a greater supply of gold ore. Expanding pinewood cutter , and then raise the levels coking plant and further smelter. As we have overproduction of gold only bring in the a coinage. It is so adjust the level of the buildings to have a slight surplus of gold ore, iron, etc.
Settlers economy is so insidious that needs changing. Over time, the need for hammers, the pinewood planks, marble growing. Breaking down the hardwood sawmills sometimes.
We set on three two woodcutters foresters. Remember that building a whole business at the warehouse TYPE II. The pinewood cutter build warehouse closest to deposit to accommodate two woodcutters. Since the three foresters have a slight overproduction can be build around the woodcutters and even will make a little road is not a problem. An example of correct working of the center:

The biggest mistake is something like this:

Stonemasons put so that they are at least 2 deposit next to each other. As one deposit falls, we have time to complete the previous one. We do so in order to always have close masons deposit. As two works on the first deposit and it is over this pass on to the second. At that time, deposit renew.
A common solution is power. Adding buildings, we buy for an additional additions mine gems, buy silos, mills, however, is not necessary. You have less buildings, well-planned economies and have similar performance with half the number of buildings.
You do not need to have a gold mine on 5lvl, buy 50 water mills. How well will plan the production lines that will not spent their hours a day for planting fields in the buff dozens of buildings, you do not need to have thousands of diamonds. You can have as powerful kingdom.

These are just the basics and you can take a lot more aspects to be resolved.
Author guide: Althair
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