To use the Shady Auction Hall, you have to open the Trade Office and click on the fourth tab.
On the first loading, you will not be able to see much and you will need to gather 10.000 , to permanently unlock the auction.
The bidding starts on Friday and lasts until Sunday at 20:00
If no bidding is active, the system will display a small note. Bidding will not be conducted continuously.

You will see the specific and sometimes rare item and everyone on your instance can bid on it.
The bidding will be with random currencies (Gems, Event currency, Ressources, etc.) and you have to pay the full visible amount.
The value increase for the next bidder will increase in predefined steps from the last bid.
Everyone can bid until the last second and only the last visible/system-displayed bidder will receive the item.
Only 1 player on the server can actually obtain them.
When another player outbids the current highest bidder, the outbid player will receive a notification and a system message in chat.

If you’re not the winner you will receive your bidding back. Any resources used to bid will be automatically returned to your storage. In case your storage is full or the returned amount exceeds the available storage, the remaining resources will be sent to the star menu.
If you win, you will receive a notification mail once the auction is over. The auctioned item will be added directly to your storage in case of resources. If the storage is full or the resource amount exceeds the available storage, the remaining resources will be sent to the star menu. All other items such as buffs, specialists, and buildings will be added to the star menu.