Changelog 12.05.2022

CHANGES & IMPROVEMENTS: Performance: Made minor improvements to performance when collecting collectibles. UI: Adjusted the width of the star menu scrollbar to be smaller. UI: Scrolling is now possible when hovering over the scrollbar. UI: Reversed the scroll direction in the selling/buying selection trade menu. UI: Adjusted the font size in the star menu so […]

Changelog 04.05.2022

CHANGES & IMPROVEMENTS: Performance: Optimized performance of the star menu. Performance: Optimized performance of the selling/buying selection window in the trade menu: Reworked the search bar so that it works in real time, the search button has been replaced by a button that clears the search field. Includes bug fixes such as items and numbers […]

Update 06.04.2022

NEW FEATURES: New Event: This update includes the technical implementation of this year’s Easter Event, which starts on April 11th! CHANGES & IMPROVEMENTS: Buffs: It is no longer possible to apply a second Prestigious Friend Buff before the first one takes effect. UI: Fixed an issue that caused an event-specific loading screen to not appear. […]

Portable Client

If the portable client doesn’t work, create a client shortcut on the desktop, click on it and select properties, and in the tab “target”, add: “TSO CLIENT\Client.exe” –skip” The client stops connecting to the server to check for updates and loads the game immediately. This is a temporary solution while the server client is inactive.

Changelog 01.04.2022

NEW FEATURES: Easter Event 2022: Some missing assets for the Easter Event 2022 have been added. CHANGES & IMPROVEMENTS: Buffs: It is no longer possible to apply a second Prestigious Friend Buff before the first one takes effect. Event: Fixed an issue that caused an event specific loading screen to not appear. Specialists: Made further […]