Update 23.03.2021

NEW FEATURES: New Event: This year’s Easter Event, a large event with many new specialists, buildings and rewards. Get ready for the egg hunt starting Monday, 29th of March! CHANGES & IMPROVEMENTS: Text: Fixed a localization issue regarding the Mystery Box item.

Update 02.03.2021

NEW FEATURES: New [REDACTED]: An ancient [REDACTED] has resurfaced in order to wreak havoc and seek revenge! Band together to fight this dangerous [REDACTED] with a new adventure, building and shop items. Help prevent [REDACTED] on [REDACTED]! CHANGES & IMPROVEMENTS: Adventures: Event bonuses and the Prestigious Friend Buff now affect the Misty Cake adventure. Buildings: […]

Update 26.01.2021

NEW FEATURES: New Event: This year’s Valentine Event, a large event with many new quests, achievements and shop items, has been technically implemented. Help spread the love on Monday, 1st of February! CHANGES & IMPROVEMENTS: Buildings: The Brazier decoration now has the correct size. Buildings: The Brazier decoration can now be traded. Text: Fixed various […]

Update 08.12.2020

NEW FEATURES: Christmas Event: This year’s Christmas Event will be technically implemented into the game, featuring festive new specialists, buildings, achievements and more! Celebrations start on December 21st! New Decorations: Decoration Cacti and Palm Trees have been added to the in-game Merchant! Venture Bundle: The popular Venture Bundle #2 is making a return to the […]

Update 17.11.2020

NEW FEATURES: New Adventure: A new Adventure “Bonaberti Business” has been added to the game. New Quest Chain: A new Quest Chain related to the new adventure “Bonabertii Business” has been added to the game. New Tribute: The new Noble Butcher Tribute building can now be obtained by completing new achievements. CHANGES & IMPROVEMENTS: Buildings: […]

Update 13.10.2020

NEW FEATURES: New Event: This year’s Halloween Event, a large event with many new quests, achievements and shop items, has been technically implemented. The trick-and-treating officially begins on Monday, 19th of October. CHANGES & IMPROVEMENTS: Achievements: Changed the Black Mountains achievement to trigger on having a single deposit with 10,000 Coal. Adventures: The Statues in […]