Update 20.10.2021

NEW FEATURES: New event: This game update includes the technical implementation of this year’s Halloween Event, which begins on October 25th! CHANGES & IMPROVEMENTS: Buffs: The Cookies and Milk buff of the Christmas Bakery will no longer affect all buildings. Mail: Made some backend improvements to the mail window. Mail: Reopening the mailbox after applying […]

Changelog 08.10.2021

NEW FEATURES: Halloween Event 2021: The first version of the Halloween Event 2021 has been implemented. CHANGES & IMPROVEMENTS: Buff: The Cookies and Milk buff from the Christmas Bakery no longer affects all buildings. Specialist: Fixed a bug that prevented the next row of skills from unlocking for specialists. Zone Error: Resolved several more issues […]

Changelog 24.09.2021

CHANGES & IMPROVEMENTS: Buildings: Moving a general or a building no longer leaves the old location blocked. Chat: Chat no longer switches to the global chat when it reconnects. Mail: Made some backend improvements to the mail window. Specialists: Sending a general to an adventure via the general window now requires confirmation again. Trade: Fixed […]

Update 31.08.2021

NEW FEATURES: New event: This year’s summer event will be technically implemented. We will publish a date of the celebration later. New event: This game update includes the technical implementation of this year’s Anniversary Event, which begins on September 6th! CHANGES & IMPROVEMENTS: Buildings: Production selection of Epic Workyards has been fixed. Text: Fixed several […]