Changelog 04.03.2021

CHANGES & IMPROVEMENTS: Concert Hall: The Concert Hall has been updated with 2 new buffs. Please note that the music for these buffs has not been implemented yet. New Culture Building: The Lovers’ Statue is available now. It can produce various buffs and can be upgraded. New Building: The Wondrous Spring Residence was added to […]

Update 02.03.2021

NEW FEATURES: New [REDACTED]: An ancient [REDACTED] has resurfaced in order to wreak havoc and seek revenge! Band together to fight this dangerous [REDACTED] with a new adventure, building and shop items. Help prevent [REDACTED] on [REDACTED]! CHANGES & IMPROVEMENTS: Adventures: Event bonuses and the Prestigious Friend Buff now affect the Misty Cake adventure. Buildings: […]

Update 26.01.2021

NEW FEATURES: New Event: This year’s Valentine Event, a large event with many new quests, achievements and shop items, has been technically implemented. Help spread the love on Monday, 1st of February! CHANGES & IMPROVEMENTS: Buildings: The Brazier decoration now has the correct size. Buildings: The Brazier decoration can now be traded. Text: Fixed various […]

Changelog 15.01.2021

NEW FEATURES: Valentines Event 2021: The first version of the Valentines Event 2021 has been implemented and some of its content has been added to the shop. These include the Loner General, the Romantic Explorer, the Spa building and the Wondrous Romantic Residence. Please note that the assets are not final yet. CHANGES & IMPROVEMENTS: […]

Update 08.12.2020

NEW FEATURES: Christmas Event: This year’s Christmas Event will be technically implemented into the game, featuring festive new specialists, buildings, achievements and more! Celebrations start on December 21st! New Decorations: Decoration Cacti and Palm Trees have been added to the in-game Merchant! Venture Bundle: The popular Venture Bundle #2 is making a return to the […]