Sunflower Fertilizer

Please report adventures, from which you get sunflower fertilizer for their completion.

Sunflower Fertilizer

from level ?

Origin: Merchant: Black Market 199
Merchant: Black Market 999
Bandit Nest (100%)
Bastille Island (100%)
Gunpowder (100%)
Lakeside Treasure (100%)
Motherly Love (100%)
Old Friends (100%)
Outlaws (100%)
Pirate Life (100%)
Raiding The Raiders (100%)
Sons Of The Veld (100%)
Surprise Attack (100%)
The Invasion Of The Nords (100%)
The Nords (100%)
Tikki Island (100%)
Victor The Vicious (100%)
Wild Mary (100%)
Trade: NO
Effect: Increases the production of the Sunflower Farm about 10x

Duration Time 24:00 hours
Duration Time Buff From Friend
Duration Time Buff From Friend having Premium