Changelog 16.09.2016
- Building: The Epic Workyards are now properly clickable after starting a production.
- Golem: Changed the golem spawn time to 16 hours instead of 23.
- Graphics: Added a new technical option for rendering buildings, which gives us more control over building layers (to prevent buildings clipping into other elements).
- Graphics: The picture frames for the Excelsior rewards have been adjusted.
- Graphics: Added achievement icons for pumpkin refillers.
- Graphics: Replaced the old blueprint icons with new ones.
- Graphics: Exchanged the Spyglass icon.
- Graphics: Implemented new icons for the Epic Woodyard and Epic Farmyard.
- Explorer: Skills from the Intrepid Explorer should now stack correctly.
- Quest: Quests that require mines now also take special mines, like the Industrial Mines into account.
- Quest: Cancelling “Tikki Island” will not mark the wrong quest anymore.
- Quest: “The first goldmine” can now be properly finished by using an industrial goldmine.
- Stability: Several improvements to increase the zone stability.
- UI: Improvements to the Golem UI.
- UI: The help window now appears as intended after entering the first venture.
- UI: The combat buff UI for ventures has been adjusted.
- UI: The UI now behaves correctly when the Golem health reaches zero.
- UI: The Excelsior roll button has been slightly adjusted.
- UI: The text search function for the star menu has been improved. Renamed specialists should show correctly now.