Changelog 14/19.09.2022

  • The offer’s area was enlarged in order to display more offers on the screen.
  • Search filter now searches while typing.
  • Change page buttons were removed. They are not needed anymore because the new list can handle all the offers at once.
  • ‘Refresh offers’ button was removed. The window now refreshes automatically, therefore there is no need for a button to do it manually.
  • The offers list will not be fully reloaded by the getting an update. Therefore you will not be interrupted while browsing offers.
  • If an offer expires, it will be automatically removed from the list without list reloading.
  • The offer renderer is slimmer now, and it is possible to place more of them on the screen (6 vs 4).
  • The icons of the offers are now bigger.
  • The ‘Ends’ column now shows the remaining time of the offer expiration and updates every 5 seconds in real-time.
  • Delay overlay was removed. While offers are processed or the list is updated, instead of the “Accept” button, the waiting animation (hourglass) is shown. This allows browsing offers while actions are processed.
  • The confirmation popup of the trade status was removed. This status is instead shown at various other places: a notification (near the avatar), a status bar in the trade window, and the trade history tab.
  • All the resources of an offer have a full tooltip (not just a name).
  • The scroll position of the scrollbar in the offers table is saved and restored.
  • A couple of textures were edited to fix visual artifacts.
  • General performance (CPU and memory) was improved.