Valentines Event 2025

Start: 10.02.2025 – 10:00
End Phase I: 26.02.2025 – 10:00
End Phase II: 05.03.2025 – 10:00

The Spa and Tunnel of Love can now be upgraded.

Items from Merchant:

Appearance Name Description Cost
Small Flower Package Use on Mayors House to get 100 Valentine Flowers. 219
Large Flower Package Use on Mayors House to get 1.000 Valentine Flowers. 2.190
Flower Farm (max 3) Produces Flowers from the included Flower Deposits. 50
Fertilizer: Flower Farm Resurrects Building and add 10 Valentine Flowers to deposit. 75
Rosy Mystery Decoration Box A Box containing a mystery Valentines themed decorations. 149
Rosy Bag (max 1) Rose can really brighten up your day! Like this little bundle. 5.999
Rosy Bag (max 3) Rose can really brighten up your day! Like this little bundle. 8.999
Rosy Box (max 1) Rose can really brighten up your day! Like this decent bundle. 8.999
Rosy Box (max 3) Rose can really brighten up your day! Like this decent bundle. 13.499
Rosy Chest (max 1) Rose can really brighten up your day! Like this huge bundle. 14.999
Rosy Chest (max 3) Rose can really brighten up your day! Like this huge bundle. 22.499
Loner General (max 2) Travels twice as quickly to adventures.
Recover twice as quickly from defeat.
Recover 10% of lost units after every battle.
Offensive units get a 50% attack bonus.
Quartermaster Bigheart (max 2) Can transport 2,000 units! 3.599
Romantic Explorer (max 2) Run tasks twice as long as normal explorer.
Bring back 12x rewards from treasure searches: long, very long and prolonged.
Lovely Explorer (max 2) Run tasks twice as fast as normal explorer.
Always returns the highest possible amount of resources from treasure search tasks.
Love Struck Explorer (max 2) Always brings back Oil Seeds from adventure searches.
-50% task speed.
Marathon Geologists (max 1) Super fast, but only finds deposits of half their normal size. Does also return with a refill, though! 1.199
Marathon Geologists (max 3) Super fast, but only finds deposits of half their normal size. Does also return with a refill, though! 1.799
Fallen Star (max 2) Produces 1 Crystal Shard per hour. Contains 5.000 Crystal Shards. 9.999
Carnival Grounds (max 1) Produces many buffs and collectibles. 6.999
Scouting Post (max 1) In the building we can activate zone buffsW budynku możemy aktywować premie strefowe,
which increase the experience from completed adventures.
Weather Control Station (max 1) Triggers weather conditions, which influence combat on adventure. 3.690
Titanium Mine Tribute (max 3) Produces Titanium Ore. 3.999
Iron Mine Tribute (max 1) Produces Iron Ore. 3.149
Wondrous Romantic Residence (max 3) Increases the popualtion limit: +140 settlers.
Upgared will increase the population by up to 650!
Romantic Restaurant (max 1) In the building we can activate zone buffs. 3.490
Rosy Iron Mine (max 1) Produces iron without needing coal and with half the deposit consumption. 3.299
Rosy Iron Mine (max 3) Produces iron without needing coal and with half the deposit consumption. 4.899
Classy Hotel (max 1) Increases maximum population by 100 and population replenishment rate by 1 every 6h, per level. 3.149
Floating Storage (max 1) Increases storage by 60.000. Cannot be used to claim sectors. Cannot be used as a resource drop-off point. Only placeable on water. 3.149
Rosy Storage (max 1) Increases storage by 40.000 2.799
Rosy Storage (max 3) Increases storage by 40.000 4.199
Water Mansion (max 7) +85 population, can be improved. 2.249
Love Garden (max 2) Starts area buff on residences, which is used to trigger zone wide effects and new content. 1.990
Tunnel Of Love (max 1) Produces platinum ore from one coin. 1.599
Tunnel Of Love (max 3) Produces platinum ore from one coin. 2.199
Spa (max 1) Sometimes your settlers just want to revive and relax.
Make your settlers happy and build this wonderful Spa.
Spa (max 3) Sometimes your settlers just want to revive and relax.
Make your settlers happy and build this wonderful Spa.
Improved Silo (max 2) Places a Improved Silo, which refills fields three times as fast as the regular silo 1.095
Improved Farm (max 2) Produces wheat 3x as fast as the regular farm. 899
Valentine Pavillion Decoration. 399
Rose Arbor Decoration. 199
Rose Trellis Decoration. 199
Decorative Flower Farm Decoration. 299
Cupid Statue Decoration. 149
Heart Tree Decoration. 149
Valentine Fountain Decoration. 149
Valentine Vegetation Decoration. 149
Valentine Bench Decoration. 99
Heart Flowerbed Decoration. 99
Recipe: Normal Star Charts (max 1) Unlocks Normal Star Chart in Observatory. 399
Recipe: Detailed Star Charts (max 1) Unlocks Detailes Star Chart in Observatory. 599
Hugs&Kisses Reduces recruitment time in Barracks and Elite Barracks about 3x for 24 hours 249
Celebration Of Love Zone Buff. Replaces buff sparkles with heart for 7 days. 199
Flower Rain Zone Buff. Lets flower petals rain from the sky for 7 days. 199
Love Crazed Increases effect of all active productivity buffs about 2x for 2 hours 399
Botled Innocence Replaces the animals on the player island of Unicorns for 7 days. 29
Grout Use on Mayor’s House to get 200 gorut. 199
Barrel of Oil Use on Mayor’s House to get 100 oil. 449

Flowers From Adventures:

In order to activate the “Valentine” bonus, which gives 3x more experience points and resources for completing the multiplayer and cooperative adventure, you need to apply the Valentine’s Card buff on the Flower Farm. You can receive cards from a Valentine’s Box, produced in the Provision House.

Adventure Numbers Of Flowers Bonus
70% 30%
ALi Baba And The Second Thief 7 12
Ali Baba And The Treasure Of Knowledge 8 14
Sinbad And The Besieged City 8 14
Sinbad And The Sea Snake 8 14
Aladdin And The Oil Lamp 6 10
The Valiant Little Tailor 4 7
The Clever Little Tailor 4 7
The Sons Of The Little Tailor 4 7
The Heroic Little Tailor 4 7
The Betrayed Little Tailor 4 7
Gunpowder 3 6
Lakeside Treasure 7 11
More Secluded Experiments 5 8
Motherly Love 2 3
Raiding The Raiders 8 13
Roaring Bull 3 5
Secluded Experiments 4 7
Sons Of The Veld 5 8
Split City in Fall 10 16
Split City in Summer 4 7
Stealing From The Rich 3 5
Surprise Attack 5 8
The Black Knights 3 4
The Buccaneer Roundup 7 12
The Dark Brotherhood 3 6
The Dark Priests 2 3
The Nords 4 7
The Siege 6 10
The Whirlwind 9 16
Tomb Raiders 5 8
Victor The Vicious 3 5
Arctic Explosion 0
Bandit Nest 0
Bastille Island 0
Garrun The Trapper 0
Horseback 0
Old Friends 0
Old Ruins 0
Outlaws 0
Pirate Life 0
Return To The Bandit Nest 0
Sleeping Volcano 0
Sleepy Reef 0
The Invasion Of The Nords 0
The Island Of The Pirates 0
The Lost Skull 0
The Shaman 0
Tikki Island 0
Traitors 0
Tropical Sun 0
Wild Mary 0
Witch Of The Swamp 0
Grain Conflict 0
Twins 0
Heart Of The Wood 0
Riches Of The Mountain 0
Storm Recovery 0
Ali Baba, The Young Wood Cutter 0
Ali Baba And The First Thief 0
Ali Baba And The Third Thief 0
Ali Baba And The Treasure Of Wisdom 0
Aladdin And The Beautiful Princess 0
Valuable Intel 0
Of Songs And Curses 0
The Dragon’s Roost 0
El Chupacabra 0
Raid Of The Nords 0
The Lost City 0
One Step Ahead 0
The Fisherman and his Wife 0
Hansel and Gretel 0
The Pied Piper of Hamelin 0
Red Riding Hood 0
Snow White 0
At The Foot Of The Mountain 0
Unknown Regions 0
Mountain Labyrinth 0
The People Of The Mountain 0
A Giant Battle 0
Small Barren Colony 0
Small Promising Colony 0
Small Rich Colony 0
Regular Barren Colony 0
Regular Promissing Colony 0
Regular Rich Colony 0
Huge Barren Colony 0
Huge Promissing Colony 0
Huge Rich Colony 0

Flowers From Treasure Search:

70% 30%
Short Treasure Search 1 2
Medium Treasure Search 2 4
Long Treasure Search 3 6
Very Long Treasure Search 5 10
Prolonged Treasure Search 7 14

Event Quest:

Name Description Reward
Side Main
Sea Of FLowers Reach a Higher Reach Reach Level 16 10 100
Sweetened Notes Open the Event Window 10
Bedded in Flowers Have at least 1 Flower Farm on your island. 10
Unique Odour Add 10 from your star menu to any deposit. 10
Happy Valentines Produce at least 5 Flower Bonquest
Apply 5 Flower Bonquet on your friends island
5 Flower Bonquet applied by your friends.
Be My Valentine Produce at least 3 Valentine Card Box
Open 3 Valentine Card Box
Apply at least 3 Valentine Cards on your friend farms.
Have 3 Valentine Cards applied to your farms.
Reunion Of Lovers Produce at least 300
Have 3 Valentine Cards applied on your farms.
Have active buff: Family Day.
Haveactivebuff: Heart Lockets

Buffs in provision house:

Appearance Name Production Cost Production Time
Normal Provision House Rarity Provision House
Flower Bouquet 4 = 1
  • Level 1 – 03:20 hours
  • Level 2 – 01:40 hours
  • Level 3 – 01:07 hours
  • Level 4 – 00:50 minutes
  • Level 5 – 00:40 minutes
  • Level 6 – 00:34 minutes
  • Level 7 – 00:29 minutes
  • 00:40 minutes
Valentine Card Box 4.400 + 780 + 660 = 1
  • Level 1 – 30:00 hours
  • Level 2 – 15:00 hours
  • Level 3 – 10:00 hours
  • Level 4 – 07:30 hours
  • Level 5 – 06:00 hours
  • Level 6 – 05:00 hours
  • Level 7 – 04:29 hours
  • 06:00 hours

Event Calendar:

Type: Regular door.
Amount: 11
Description: Can be opened on the specific date displayed or for 20 gems afterwards.
Requirement: It doesn’t matter if previous doors are still closed or not.
Rewards: Provides basic rewards (such as resources), sometimes chosen randomly.
Type: Special door.
Amount: 5
Description: Can be opened on the specific date displayed or for 50 gems afterwards.
Requirement: All previous doors need to be open.
Rewards: Most special doors offer a choice between several rewards when opened.

Day Gems Rewards Day Gems Rewards
1 100 8 100 120
2 100 80 9 300 or
3 100 500 10 100 3x
4 100 3x 11 100 9x or 6x or
5 300 12 100 +1.000
6 100 3x 13 100 1.000 or 700 or 500
7 100 3x 14 300


Valentines Event – Valentines 2025 – 106 Points

Name Appearance Quest Points Reward
Someone Likes You Have friends apply 10 flower bouquets on your residences.
You’re Adored Have friends apply 20 flower bouquets on your residences.
Is It Love Have friends apply 40 flower bouquets on your residences.
In Demand Have friends send you Valentines Cards 1, 2 and 3.
Fancied Have friends send you Valentines Cards 4, 5 and 6.
Popular Have friends send you Valentines Cards 7, 8 and 9.
Idolized Complete all three Valentines card achievements.

Flower Lover Complete 8 co-op adventures during the Valentines Event.
Flower Grower Complete 6 multiplayer adventures during the Valentines Event.
Forever Alone Apply 10 flower bouquets on your own residences and apply any 3 of the Valentines cards on your own flower farms.